

What is super economy class?

Updated: 10/31/2022
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12y ago

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super economy class is a mid-ranged product between economy and business class. it was designed to give you a better flight for around the price of economy. super economy offers better features such as extra legroom, seats are wider and there is more seat recline. the meal and beverage service, however, is the same or very similar to that served in economy class.

the super economy class was introduced because air travel companies were hard up and needed something to increase their profits and give them more customers. this provided both although only in America, Europe and Scandinavia. however some airlines have deigned this new style of flight as costly and unneccesary and have abolished it within their companies and stuck to economy. there are several opinions on the new sysytem and all of them have a degree of credibility. the fact, is that super economy will only work with the airlines that market it right.

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How is a constructor in the super class called?

By using the reference super(); When you invoke super(); the JVM knows that you are trying to invoke the constructor from the parent class and calls the super class constructor automatically. In fact, the invocation to super(); is usually the first line of any class constructor. This is done to ensure that all the parent class objects are initialized before the current child class is created.

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What portions of a super class can be used by subclass?

Any members of a superclass which are declared as public or protected can be used by all subclasses.

Is it possible to have a method in the super class and sub class with same name but different signature?

Yes, it is perfectly possible. If two methods have a different signature, they can exist together irrespective of where they are present, either in the same class or in a super class, sub class situation. If two methods have the same signature and one exists in the super class and one in the sub class it is called method overriding.

How super class variable can be used to refer the sub class object?

The super variable is not a reference to a subclass. It is a reference to the superclass. class MyClass { void printType() { System.out.println("This is a MyClass"); } // MySubClass is a subclass of MyClass. Within this class, the super keyword // refers to MyClass. static class MySubClass extends MyClass { void printType() { // Tell Java we also want to call the printType method of the super class super.printType(); System.out.println("This is a MySubClass"); } } }

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Class "T" generally means "Economy Fare"

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