Strong number:-
The sum of the factorials of digits of a number is equal to the original number.
Ex: n=145=> 1! + 4! + 5! = 1 + 24 + 120 = 145
so it is strong number.
Armstrong number:-
The sum of the cubes of digits of a number is equal to the original number.
Ex: n=153 => 13 + 53 +33 = 1+125+27= 153
so 153 is arm strong number.
C program for strong numbers
void main()
int sof=0,n,dn,ctr,prod,rem;
printf("Enter the number\n");
printf("The number entered is strong number");
printf("The number entered is not a strong number");
C program for amstrong numbers
void main()
int dn,rem,sum,n;
printf("Enter the number:");
printf("Amstrong number");
printf("Not a amstrong number");
By Nagarjuna ECE
sri indu,
Robust means strong enough to withstand or overcome intellectual challenges or adversity. c is a robust language because its rich set of built-in functions and operators can be used to write any complex logic program.
In C, it is -4000.0 In others languages, it is -4000.0
C-language was derived from B-language.
C Language is First Step of Programming Language, Help for C Language you are show the correct answer
You can multiply the number of radians by 180/pi.
Armstrong number means 153=(1^3)+(5^3)+(3^3)
T. C. L. Armstrong has written: 'Notes on the examination papers in English literature' -- subject(s): English literature, Etymology, Explication, English language, History and criticism
C. W. Armstrong was born in 1899.
C. W. Armstrong died in 1986.
C# is a derivative of C++, designed to allow C++ programmers to take advantage of the .NET environment. Officially, it is an object oriented language that encompasses strong typing and component orientation.
If the sum of squares of digits of a number equals to the number itself, then that number is called an aram strong number.
C. Michael Armstrong was born on October 18th, 1938.
Samuel C. Armstrong has written: 'Ideas on education'
Frederick C. Armstrong died on 1918-03-25.
Frederick C. Armstrong was born on 1896-06-13.
Samuel C. Armstrong died on 1893-05-11.
Samuel C. Armstrong was born on 1839-01-30.