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In the early days of computing, the dominant programming languages weresequential(such as basic or assembly language). A program consisted of a sequence of instructions, which were executed one after the other. It ran from start to finish on a single processor.


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C is sequential id est procedural - it has no abstraction layer to facilitate the object oriented programming paradigm... However this can be coded in if required and is - in the case of objective C. Procedural or sequential programming basically means that the program in question is broken down into a sequence of steps or instructions and these are followed in order to make the program function. This is done in a linear fashion.

Due to being sequential and procedural C does not have the "Bloat" of the C++ object oriented programming model. Therefore the programs are smaller and generally faster.

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C is sequential id est procedural - it has no abstraction layer to facilitate the object oriented programming paradigm... However this can be coded in if required and is - in the case of objective C. Procedural or sequential programming basically means that the program in question is broken down into a sequence of steps or instructions and these are followed in order to make the program function. This is done in a linear fashion.Due to being sequential and procedural C does not have the "Bloat" of the C++ object oriented programming model. Therefore the programs are smaller and generally faster.

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No. In order to make or use a program or a programming language, you need to know a programming language.

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You have answered your own question: it is a programming language.

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