

What is generalization in dbms?

Updated: 11/2/2022
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14y ago

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Generalization defines a is-a-kind of relationship in which one class shares its structure and/or behavior with one or more other classes. The concept of generalization in UML is similar to inheritance in Java. It maps directly to the extends keyword. It is shown by a straight line originating from the subclass with a hollow arrowhead pointing at the nearest superclass.

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How can you show a generalization is correct?

No. A generalization cannot be proved correct. Even this generalization about a generalization could be incorrect. Anywho, and generalization could never be proven correct.

How can you show generalization is correct?

No. A generalization cannot be proved correct. Even this generalization about a generalization could be incorrect. Anywho, and generalization could never be proven correct.

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