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  • In POP, importance is given to the sequence of things to be done i.e. algorithms and in OOP, importance is given to the data.
  • In POP, larger programs are divided into functions and in OOP, larger programs are divided into objects.
  • In POP, most functions share global data i.e data move freely around the system from function to function. In OOP mostly the data is private and only functions inside the object can access the data.
  • POP follows a top down approach in problem solving while OOP follows a bottom up approach.
  • In POP, adding of data and function is difficult and in OOP it is easy.
  • In POP, there is no access specifier and in OOP there are public, private and protected specifier.
  • In POP, operator cannot be overloaded and in OOP operator can be overloaded.
  • In POP, Data moves openly around the system from function to function, In OOP objects communicate with each other through member functions.
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6y ago

Object Orientation Languages (OOL) is concerned to develop an application based on real time while Procedural Programing Languages (PPL) are more concerned with the processing of procedures and functions. In OOL, more emphasis is given on data rather than procedures, while the programs are divided into Objects and the data is encapsulated (Hidden) from the external environment, providing more security to data which is not applicable or rather possible in PPL. In PPL, its possible to expose Data and/or variables to the external entities which is STRICTLY restricted IN OOL. In OOL, the Objects communicate with each other via Functions while there is no communication in PPL rather its simply a passing values to the Arguments to the Functions and / or procedures. OOL follows Bottom Up Approach of Program Execution while in PPL its Top Down approach. OOL concepts includes Inheritance, Encapsulation and Data Abstraction, Late Binding, Polymorphism, Multithreading, and Message Passing while PPL is simply a programming in a traditional way of calling functions and returning values. Below is the list of OOL languages :- JAVA, VB.NET, C#.NET Below is the list of PPL languages :- C, VB, Perl, Basic, FORTRAN.

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14y ago

Object Orientation [OO], in general, is a methodology for modeling the real world or at least the problem being solved, by decomposing the problem into smaller discrete pieces called "Objects". What makes an "object" unique is the formal and explicit combination these smaller pieces' behavior with its' data into a single entity. The object's behaviors are called methods in OO terminology, while its data is called the Object's state. "Objects" will make up every part of the solution, that is, every part of the program will be made from objects. Formally, there are technical attributes of that must be present for a program (or a programming Language) to be considered Object Oriented, such as inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and protection; aspects of these terms are still under debate in many programming circles, so no, 100% certain, absolutely clear definition is possible. The core concept, though, is that an "Object" is binding together of data and behavior, and Object Oriented programming, is the use of Objects while solving the problem.

People regularly interact with real objects, such as a book, or a pencil in the real world, Object Oriented programming provides tools to deal with these objects, such as "a book," in the abstract world of writing software more logically and naturally.

Procedural Programming, by contrast, is a methodology for modeling the real world or the problem being solved, by determining the steps and the order of those steps that must be followed in order to reach a desired outcome or specific program state. For example, consider the problem: "calculate the month end closing balance for an account." The process is take the starting balance, subtract all the debits and add all the credits for the period and then you arrive closing balance. The key point for procedural programming is identification and articulation of the process or steps that must be followed.

In addition to programming, programming languages can also be considered Object Oriented [OO] or Procedural. The language used for writing code does not determine if a program is Object Oriented or Procedural; Object Orientation and Procedural, is a way of solving the problem or a way of thinking about the problem, not the language used to write the code. It is possible to write Object Oriented Programs in C, a procedural language, and similarly, you can write a Procedural Program in Java, an OO language. Object Oriented Languages have the benefit of supporting key aspect of Object Orientation in the language itself, making it easier to implement Object Oriented programs, and providing the native language support object oriented aspects like polymorphism or inheritance.

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11y ago

Procedure orientated programming is when a programmer creates functions and variables that are separate parts for his or her program. They may work together but they are distinctly separated. Object orientated programming is when a programmer takes a concept (an object) and encapsulates all variables and functions into that concept so that the variables and functions are distinctly connected. In C++, for example, these objects are called classes. C++ is an extension of the language C along with the capability of creating object classes.

[Edit] Objects are not called classes. A class is the definition of a type, much like a structure, while an object is a variable of that type. Thus we say an object is an instance of a class, or an instantiation of the type defined by the class. In other word's, a class defines an object's classification and its behaviour, but is completely distinct from the object itself. For instance, classes that have static members do not require an instance of the class in order to access those members.

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16y ago

It isn't usually a difference in the language itself, but actually a difference in how the programming is done and documented.

A procedural approach would be to get the thing coded and working, step by step, coding each step as you go, usually from scratch. Especially with old programming languages and really long programs, it can be hard to go back and follow what is going on.

Object oriented programming's major difference is documenting pieces of code, and being able to go back and re-use them. Even in a really long program, because of the organization and documentation... it is easier to follow along about what is happening.

Many people in the programming community still code procedurally, but others are moving toward object-oriented programming, which is more complex to do initially, but is worth it in terms of others being able to understand the code.

Some say that procedural is sloppy, and that object oriented is more elegant. I think both work, and both make some beautiful programs. I do agree that for someone who has to work with someone else's code... Object Oriented is easier to use.

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16y ago

This could be a long discussion but in short you can think like this:

When you are procedure oriented you are concerned about the steps to take to achive some results or a given goal, and how to organize them into logical operations.

When you are object oriented you are concerned about what kind of objects you need and how they should interact in order to reach your goal. In object-oriented design each object comes with a set of methods that can be applied to it to perform some operations (with or without involving or referring to other objects). These are analogous to procedures in procedure-oriented (or structural) design, except they now have something to do with the object they apply on.

Programmers often consider object-oriented design better than procedure-oriented design, although when it comes to the hard work you need both anyway.

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14y ago

In object oriented programming language, we will have an object for each program and it will be created only once in a life time of a program so after execution of that program memory will be de allocated. But in procedural it is not the case. And in object oriented we will have an excellent principles where we can get it out of the problems occured in other languages

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12y ago

The simple example or difference that can be given between object oriented and procedural programming can be given as that the programming and code that we do or plot in c language is procedural. All the procedures are being defined as in order. first the library then the method then the code.that has predefined variables and values like printf scanf etc. that is termed as procedural prog. language. where as object oriented includes c sharp java vb etc. in which we need to define the objective of each operation that we perform.we can create new objects and define new values for each operation.

hope that answers the question in detail.

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Q: What is difference between procedure oriented and Object Oriented?
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What is the difference between oriented and orientated?

The difference is that Americans generally say "oriented," while the British say "orientated." It means the same in either case.

What is the difference between object oriented approach and procedure oriented approach?

Object oriented focuses on treating variables as objects that have the ability to perform certain tasks. Procedure oriented uses procedures (functions) to perform tasks on variables. For example, if you were writing a program for a DVD rental store: Object Oriented: thisdvd.assignTitle("Lethal Weapon"); thisdvd.rentTo("John Smith"); Procedure Oriented: String thisdvdnumber = 123; rentDvd(thisdvdnumber, "John Smith"); In the first case, you call functions that belong to object "thisdvd", like assignTitle(), rentTo(), etc. In the second case, you create a variable "thisdvdnumber", then call function "rentDvd()" and tell it which DVD to rent and to whom by passing those variables to it.

What is difference between problem oriented and machine oriented languages?

machine oriented language: A programming language designed for use on specific class of computers. problem oriented language: A language whose statement resemble terminology of the user. Thanks

What is the difference between cc plus plus and java?

C is a procedure oriented language ,Where C++ & java are object oriented language.But java is platform independent.So generally C is called POP.C++ is called OOP.But java is OOP , which is platform independent.If java does not support primitive data type then it is called as pure object oriented language.

What is the difference between procedure-oriented and problem-oriented in C language?

C is neither procedure-oriented nor problem-oriented. C is a structured, general purpose programming language. Procedure-oriented programs are distinct in that code jumps around -- a lot. They do not have structured loops nor do they have procedure calls (subroutines, functions or procedures), but they do make prevalent use of jump or goto statements. As a result, procedure-oriented programs are often called "spaghetti code" due to the difficulty in both reading and maintaining the program. Machine code and assembly language are both examples of procedure-oriented languages. Although you could theoretically write a C program using nothing but procedural programming methods, the resultant spaghetti code will be extremely difficult to read and maintain. Imagine if you couldn't use for(), while() and do..while() loops, and couldn't call any functions, not even the built-in functions. You would basically have nothing more than a single main() function with all code contained therein. Even multiple statements enclosed in braces would not be permitted in procedural-programming. Problem-oriented programming languages are languages tailored to a particular application. Although it is possible to create a problem-oriented language within C, as a superset of C for instance, C itself is general purpose.

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What is the difference between object oriented approach and procedure oriented approach?

Object oriented focuses on treating variables as objects that have the ability to perform certain tasks. Procedure oriented uses procedures (functions) to perform tasks on variables. For example, if you were writing a program for a DVD rental store: Object Oriented: thisdvd.assignTitle("Lethal Weapon"); thisdvd.rentTo("John Smith"); Procedure Oriented: String thisdvdnumber = 123; rentDvd(thisdvdnumber, "John Smith"); In the first case, you call functions that belong to object "thisdvd", like assignTitle(), rentTo(), etc. In the second case, you create a variable "thisdvdnumber", then call function "rentDvd()" and tell it which DVD to rent and to whom by passing those variables to it.

What is difference between problem oriented and machine oriented languages?

machine oriented language: A programming language designed for use on specific class of computers. problem oriented language: A language whose statement resemble terminology of the user. Thanks

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Hahahahaha IB past paper?? Am doing the same question :D