Visible means that the property can be used, but is not visible in the graphical user interface. But, if the user were to click a control that edit the objects properties, the object would change even if it isn't visible.
Enabled/Disable means that for instance if the object is Disabled, it's still visible but the user cannot interact with it. This means, that if code is executed for the control that is disabled, nothing will change to that control.
There are no relations between different variables. If you want to enable a relationship between variables, you must write the code to implement that relationship. Encapsulating the variables within a class is the most obvious way of defining a relationship between variables.
Understanding science will enable you to learn many other subjects.
In Java programming sockets allow a communication link between programs. They communicate with the server to enable this process and allow communication over the network.
You can enable the text box in HTML using input tag. The input tag asks the input type and make it to Text.
They both have; spindles, bedways, automatic feeds, work holding equipment, although these vary between machines, both can use digital readout, coolant supply, both have heads - where the gears and spindle are housed. I'm certain I've miss out loads but i would be here forever.
the difference between the Enable Secret and the Enable password and that the Enable Secret password supersedes the Enable password if it's set.
One has an 'E' and one has a 'U'... simple ;P
v1.1 is Cheat Enable One
Enable=true : It will just enable the control. You can see the control and use it. Enable=False : You can see the control but Its kind of view only. The properties attached to the control won't work(for example mouse over , click etc etc). On the other hand visibility will either hide or show the control depending on the value you set.Visibility= True will show you the control and you can see and use it. When you set the value as false, it will stop the control from rendering in your form. You won't see the control. If its a webpage and if you can view the source code ,you won't find the contents of the control at all.
Shopper marketing is to enable the particular brand to achieve its target, whereas Trade marketing is to enable the dealers to achieve their target.
enable secret password supersedes the enable password.
Cuisine means cookery, food is a substance taken in by a being to enable it to live and grow.
Infrared waves warm you providing heat and visible waves enable you to see.
The microscope makes transparent objects visible to enable study.
A wholesale license enables businesses to purchase from manufacturers. A retail license enable business owners to sell goods and services to consumers.
high magnetic power which enable it to use in compass
There is no difference between the game, but I'm pretty sure that the hardened edition comes with a code for Call of Duty Classic