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Deposition is the direct solidification of a vapor by cooling; the reverse of sublimation.

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7y ago

Deposition in thermodynamics is the accumulation of a solid phase - usually by changing phase from gas to solid, solute to solid, or liquid to solid. (Really solute to solid is a special case of liquid to solid).

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10y ago

Deposition is process where molecules in vapor contacting a cold surface

deposit driectly on the cold suface as solid. Frost formation on a car is such a process.

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What is EEE in thermodynamics?

Energy, Entropy and Efficiency........

How do we can calculate weld deposition rate for submerged arc welding?

Check wire feed rate of saw wire (metre/min.)with this we can check deposition per minute. by multipling this with 60 , we can get deposition per hr.

What are the benefits of learning thermodynamics in urban engineering and design?

there is no benefit.

What is mean by CV in thermodynamics?

CV Stands for Control Volume Only in Thermodynamics and it is a fixed region in a open systems. The region of space enclosed by The open system boundaries is called Control Volume.

What are the Best conceptual books on thermodynamics?

If one needs an engineering treatment one can go for books like1)engineering thermodynamics-cengel and boles or2)engineering thermodynamics-moran and shapiro these are the suitable ones. if one needs an advanced treatment one can turn to the book on advanced engineering thermodynamics -adrian bejan.for a physics student 1)feynman has given few lectures on thermodynamics and statistical physics in his first volume 2)thermodynamicsand thermostatictics - callen .it is a wonderful text not for the lighthearted .this is my personal favourite.3)understanding thermodynamics -van ness . it is an elementary text and a good one for beginners like high school students .4)books by pauli ,scrodinger would prove useful especially the one by pauli. For a chemical treatment 1)chemical thermodynamics-abbott,van ness .one can find some advanced treatment of a few chapters in statistical mechanics books of landau and reif

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Thermodynamics is considered a part of physical chemistry.

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Joel Keizer has written: 'Statistical thermodynamics of nonequilibrium processes' -- subject(s): Nonequilibrium thermodynamics, Statistical thermodynamics

What are the application of thermodynamics?

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What has the author L Peusner written?

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