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Actually, Processed data that conveys meaning and is useful to people is called INFORMATION, not output.

Response: Maybe true, but the answer to the question given is OUTPUT!

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 6y ago

In data processing, the input data is known as the raw information while the output data is known as the meaningful information. However, the output of one process can be used as input for another process, thus the exact same data can simultaneously be regarded as being both meaningful and raw.

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Q: What is data that has been processed called?
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What volume of data is processed by minicomputers?

Minicomputers are able to process large amounts of data.

How does information become data?

Raw data becomes information once it is organized and sorted. Raw data that is collected, is useless until it becomes information.

What is the Concept of data processing?

Data processing is basically the transformation of raw data to import data through a procedure. Data is controlled to create results that lead to the goals of an issue or improvement of a current circumstance. Methods of data processing:- Manual Data Processing, Data is processed manually without using any machine or tools to get the required result. Mechanical Data Processing, Data is processed using different devices like a typewriter, mechanical printers, and other devices. Electronic Data Processing, Data is processed through a computer; data & set of instructions are given to the computer as input, and computer-processed data according to given instruction. Β· Batch processing Β· Online processing Β· Distributed processing Β· Real-time processing

What is the best method of data processing?

There are different methods of data processing. Some methods are manual data processing, mechanical data processing, online processing, batch processing and electrical data processing.

What is information that is processed by the computer and transmitted to a monitor or printer called?

Information that is processed by the computer and transmitted to a monitor or printer is called output.

Related questions

Data that has been processrd into a useful form is called?

Processed data is called information.

When does information become data?

when it had been processed.A processed data is what is called information.

Data that has been processed and presented in an organized format is called what?


Data that has been summarized otherwise manipulated for use in decision making is called?

Processed data.

A has been installed on a computer which determines how data is processed?

What installed on a computer which determine how data is processed

What is already processed data?

Processed data is information that has been manipulated, transformed, or analyzed in some way to make it more usable or valuable. It typically involves organizing, filtering, or aggregating raw data to extract insights, patterns, or conclusions. This processed data is often easier to understand and interpret than the original raw data.

Data that has been processed in a manner that renders it meaningful and useful to the user is called?


Is written data is called information?

Yes, written data that has been processed and organized to provide meaning and context is called information.

Roles of memory in computer proccessing of data?

Memory hold data that is been processed by the computer Memory also holds data that is waiting to be processed by the computer It also holds data that has been processed by the computer

Is data that has been processed into a useful form.?

Actually, Processed data that conveys meaning and is useful to people is called INFORMATION, not output. Response: Maybe true, but the answer to the question given is OUTPUT!

Is processed data called information?

Yes, processed data is called information.

Data that has been processed into a meaningful form?

Actually, Processed data that conveys meaning and is useful to people is called INFORMATION, not output. Response: Maybe true, but the answer to the question given is OUTPUT!