Well do you mean for the purposes of research and development? To process, create, and display numerous things to complicated for most minds. Like DNA sequencing, development of drugs and treatments, logging large numbers of test studies.
For more mundane things, to keep track of patient records, take x-rays, see things we can't, some forms of remote surgery.
A great many things more as well. Please be more specific to receive more relevant help.
A computer's usefulness is greatly enhanced if it is connected to others in a network, as this allows information and resources to be shared by all. A network can be anything from a simple link between two computers in an office to a complex installation joining thousands of computers at many sites around the world.
In a hospital two types of networks are commonly found. The first is the local area network (LAN), which is typically used to connect the secretaries and medical staff in one department. This allows everyone to use and build up a departmental database and to use standard letter templates for correspondence (such as clinic letters and discharge summaries), which saves time and greatly facilitates audit and research.
The second type is the wide area network (WAN), such as a hospital-wide system that connects all departments to a central computer running a patient administration system (PAS) with microwave or leased line links to outlying hospitals and clinics. Such networks are primarily designed to manage hospital activity (such as outpatient appointments, theatre lists, etc). Information about hospital activity extracted from these systems is required by purchasers and the Department of Health.
Regards: Shoaib Aatish from University of Agriculture Faisalabad...FSD
Some of the advantages of a computer includes is that it helps automate a number of tasks, makes a given type of work easier, solves problems with ease, its is very accurate and efficient as compared to human beings, and helps various schools, factories and hospitals.
Advantage of regulated power supply.
The only disadvantage I can think of is that computer graphics requires a lot of processing time.
With a simplified rep, less of the model data is loaded into memory. Computer performance is improved.
It can be used in computer programming. It helps you to see which options are not viable and would not help out the situation.
mainframe computer
The internet. Baaack in the day, they had libraries, where you had to spend hours researching in...books. Yes. WikiAnswers. This is one of the advantages of the computer.
There are many advantages of having computer games. These games are fun for children to learn things like math through.
The advantages of computer programming is that it pays well since programming is a creative task. Computer programming helps human beings solve problems on a regular basis.
It's harder to steal
list 5 advantages of computer
you can connect wirelessly to the computer
the advantages of computer mapping are: store,process and display map data. Also must be written in numbers from 0-1.
advantages of using mobile
There are many advantages of using Kingstom ram. Examples of advantages to using Kingdom ram include having a faster computer and having more space on one's computer for their files.
"According to my research, cost is one of the main advantages to a single board computer. If you would like to spend less, I would suggest looking into a single board computer."