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A sound wave.

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Q: What is a wave that requires a physical medium?
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If the wave requires a medium then the wave is classified as a?

If the wave requires a medium then it is a mechanical wave.

Which requires a physical medium in which to travel light or sound?

Sound requires a physical medium, such as air, water, or solids, in order to travel because it propagates through vibrations of particles in the medium. On the other hand, light does not require a physical medium and can travel through empty space as electromagnetic waves.

A wave that requires a medium to travel?

A mechanical wave, such as a sound wave or a water wave, requires a medium to travel because it relies on the vibration or movement of particles in the medium to propagate energy. Without a medium, these waves cannot transfer their energy.

What is a wave that requires a medium wave?

A mechanical wave, such as a sound wave or water wave, requires a medium (substance) to travel through. In a mechanical wave, the energy is transferred through the medium by the vibration of particles.

What is the name of a wave that requires a medium in which to travel?

A mechanical wave.

What is a mecanical wave?

A mechanical wave is a type of wave that requires a medium, such as air or water, to travel through. Examples include sound waves and seismic waves. They transfer energy through the vibration of particles in the medium.

What is a wave that requires medium for propagation?

Mechanical waves

WhAT IS A a sound wave that requires a meduim?

A sound wave that requires a medium to propagate is called a mechanical wave. This type of wave needs a material medium, such as air, water, or solid objects, to travel through because it relies on the physical interaction between particles in the medium to transfer energy and create the sound. Vacuum waves, like those in space, are an example of waves that don't require a medium and can't carry sound.

How do you know the wave is mechanical?

It requires a medium through which to travel

What does the formation of a standing wave require?

A standing wave requires a relative motion of the medium at the same velocity of the wave

What is sound an example of?

a mechanical wave that requires a medium through which to travel.

What do we call a wave that is carried by vibrations through a physical medium?

A wave that is carried by vibrations through a physical medium is called a mechanical wave. Examples of mechanical waves include sound waves and seismic waves.