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a capacitor that keeps time Capacitors do not keep time they do however charge at a specific rate of 63% of the applied voltage from a source that can be used to relate to timing since the source voltage can be calculated after a time lapse

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Q: What is a timing capacitor?
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Why is capacitor leakage a problem in a RC timer circuit?

Because the timing is set by the time constant of a resistor and a capacitor. With R in ohms and C in Farads, the time-constant is RC in seconds. If the capacitor leaks the timing will be wrong.

Can a 5 mfd capacitor be used in place of a 7.5 mfd capacitor?

Sometimes. The exception is when the capacitor is used as a "timing" device. But 7.5 mfd and 5 mfd are so large that one would guess that they are not being used as timing devices.

Can a 7.5 mfd capacitor be used in place of a 5 mfd capacitor?

Sometimes. The exception is when the capacitor is used as a "timing" device. But 7.5 mfd and 5 mfd are so large that one would guess that they are not being used as timing devices.

What is timing capacitor?

a capacitor that keeps time Capacitors do not keep time they do however charge at a specific rate of 63% of the applied voltage from a source that can be used to relate to timing since the source voltage can be calculated after a time lapse

Can a 47 microfarad capacitor in a microtimer circuit be replaced with a 470 microfarad capacitor?

No, the value is far too small. If it is the capacitor used for the timing, the time/s will be reduced to one tenth of the deisred value.

What effect does increasing the timing capacitor have on the frequency out of an Astable 555 timer?

frequency drops

Can you go from a 1000uf to a 1200uf capacitor with the same voltage?

Capacitance and voltage may be varied independently of one another, but the outcome depends exactly what the circuit is and what role this capacitor plays. If it's a timing capacitor, the time constant will increase. Certainly the impedance will change in a circuit where it's required to decouple a rail with ripple present; as a filter or as a coupling capacitor.

How do you set the timing on a 1991 xr200r?

Turn the rear gear valve to the 'on' position, then adjust the flux capacitor regulation system freely.

What is a pure capacitor?

A pure capacitor is an idealized version of a capacitor that has only capacitive reactance and no resistance or inductance. It stores and releases electrical energy in the form of an electric field. Pure capacitors are often used in electronic circuits for filtering, smoothing, timing, and energy storage purposes.

What are the capacitor effects on a single phase induction motor?

As anything to do with timing values for an electronic system of controlling a motor. Based on the question, the simple answer is that the capacitor causes a 90 degree lead which allows the motor to have a magnetic shift which causes the motor to start rotation.

What is meant by capacitor?

A capacitor is an electrical or elctronic semi conductive material which have the ability to store electrical charge and discharge when needed, and also used for timing a circuit and finally used for filtering in a circuit. A capacitor is made up of two plates seperated by die-electric strength or material. Thanks

What is dc link capacitor?

when the DC current flows through the capacitor .the leakage of the charges is in capacitor called Dc leakage capacitor .