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subroutines procedures functions or methods

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Q: What is a term used as a synonym for module in any programming language?
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The term HTML refers to?

(Apex) A programming language used to create websites.

What is a special language used to write computer programs?

SQL which stands for Structured Query Language The term you are looking for is programming language.

What is the actual fullform of java?

I'm sorry, but this question makes no sense. What does the term "fullform" mean in this context? The term "Java" for the programming language (note that the word is capitalized) is a trademark owned by Oracle Corporation for the programming language. It is a word in its own right. The derivation is commonly understood to be from the name of the Indonesian island and its slang use as a synonym for "coffee". (Coffee is a major export of Java.) <> GIYF

What does the acronym YOPL stand for?

YOPL stands for "Your Own Programming Language". It is a term used to describe the process of creating a custom programming language tailored to specific needs or preferences.

What is orthogonality in a programming language?

In computer programming, orthogonality in a programming language means that a relatively small set of primitive constructs can be combined in a relatively small number of ways to build the control and data structures of the language. The term is most-frequently used regarding assembly instruction sets, as orthogonal instruction set.

What are the Definitions on programming?

Programming is the process of creating a set of instructions that tell a computer how to perform a task. It involves writing code in programming languages such as Python, Java, C++, and others, which the computer can interpret and execute​

Tell about something about LISP?

Lisp was invented by John McCarthy in 1958 while he was at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). LISP is a high-level programming language specified in 1958. The term derived from "List Processing Language" and as the term indicates, its main data structure is linked lists. It is the oldest high level programming language, second to fortran.

What is the difference between windows programming and .Net programming?

Windows programming is a general term for writing programs intended for the Windows platforms. We can write Windows programs in any programming language. The .NET framework is specifically intended to be used with C#, F# and Visual Basic programming languages.

What is the term 'fprintf' used in?

The term "fprintf" is a command used in the computer programming language C++. The command "fprintf" in C++ is used to print formatted data to a stream.

What is VHLL?

VHLL is a technical term which stands for very high level programming language, and is designed to reduce the complexities in creating programs.

What is a synonym for arranged meeting?

The synonym is the term from French : rendezvous.