

What is a parameter in Excel?

Updated: 10/31/2022
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12y ago

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A parameter is a value that is used to carry out of task. It can be interpreted in a few ways. Parameters can be the values used to define filters if querying data in Excel. So if you have a list of data and want to show only some of it based on some criteria, that criteria can be referred to as parameters.

If data is being read from an external source, it may require a parameter to define what data to show. Microsoft Access has something called a parameter query where a value is fed in at the time the query is run. That value is called a parameter. So if Excel is reading a parameter query from Access, it will need to provide a parameter to do it with.

A parameter can be a value that is used in a function, though that is more commonly called an argument. In order for many functions to work they need values to work on. These are called arguments or occasionally parameters.

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