

What is a novels postscript?

Updated: 10/31/2022
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15y ago

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Postscript is a series of notes to supplement the book.

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What do PS stand for?

postscript postscript

What is the abbreviation for postscript?

postscript stands for P.S

What is the abbreviation of the word postscript?

the abbreviation of postscript is P.S.

How do you abbreviate the word postscript?

Postscript is abbreviated to 'P.S.'.

What is a word for a note written afterwards?


What is the name of a program that can read postscript files?

The name of a program that can read Postscript files is Postscript Viewer. This program allows the user to view Postscript files in Adobe Reader.?æ

What is a postscript?

A postscript is added at the end of an article or letter. It comes from the Latin words "post" meaning after, and "script" meaning writing. A postscript to a letter starts with the letters P.S. which stand for postscript, after writing.

How can you use postscript in a sentence?

There was a postscript on the letter reminding me that I will need to bring my passport.

When was Postscript made?

Postscript was developed by Adobe Systems and first released in 1985.

What is a sentence using postscript?

I had to add a postscript at the end of my letter letting my dad know that I moved.

What is the antonym of postscript?

The antonym of postscript is "preamble." A postscript is an additional note added at the end of a letter or document, while a preamble is an introductory statement or explanation at the beginning.

How do you write a letter with postscript?

To write a letter with a postscript, first compose the main body of your letter. Then, include "(P.S.)" or "Postscript" below your signature. Write your additional message, note, or thought that you want to add after the main content of the letter. Remember to keep your postscript concise and relevant to the main message of the letter.