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A float is a pre-determined amount of cash (notes & coin) ie. at start or end of shift before any sales are put through. eg. My work has a float of $300.00 AUD which I have to count before I start my shift then again at end of shift or end of day. I deduct the $300.00 from the toal and the rest is banked in a drop safe with a balance sheet leaving a "float" of $300.00 for the next operator. -Grant

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Q: What is a float in a till?
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What is the impact of the sun in disrupting radio communication?

have sex with space monkey and make love till you float and your done pleasing the space monkey you do not want the space monkey upset cause she will want the dingaling again

Which is the wrapper class for the data type float?

The wrapper class for float is Float. java.lang.

What is the range of float?

i wann't ask the range of double float and long double float??

How do you declare an array of 8 floats?

In C float a[8]; In Java float a[] = new float[8];

Which of the correct way of declaring the float pointer?

float *pointer;

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they take you up and up and up, till you gentally float down (: .... if your talking about spongebob O.o

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When the amount of money in the till (float plus reciepts) does not match the total billed plus the original float, then, yes, a problem does occur. If the till is over, then (at least one) customer has been short-changed, if short, then either a customer has been undercharged or a cashier has been failing to place all proceeds in the till.

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you would float around till you get in a black hole or a planets grational pull

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a. underwater: stop and wait till you catch your breathe b. at the surface: inflate your BCD and float

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keep going right till you fall in water there will be a dragon head then stand on it then the gong banger will float up

Can an employer pinpoint one employee for stealing from a cash till when there is only one cash float used the entire day and there are at least four people handling the same float per day?

Yes.Added: It may be difficult but it's not impossible. Have you ever heard of surveillance cameras.

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Go to the clown building and get a balloon. Then you can jump and float for a bit then land on a window, then keep on jumping till your on the top! There will be angle statues. :D

How do you kill the killer whale on Jaws Unleashed?

FIRST, you will headbutt him will r1 or l1 and then he should float to the top of the water. next you eat him and do the same steps over and over till dead

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it will float as long as it is not fully covered water.

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float dawg, float

What is the impact of the sun in disrupting radio communication?

have sex with space monkey and make love till you float and your done pleasing the space monkey you do not want the space monkey upset cause she will want the dingaling again

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they do not float