A flat data structure is essentially one that has no relationships among its various records. Each record is just part of a list of records. One example would be a worksheet in Excel of names and addresses with one record per row of the table.
types of data structure types of data structure
How do you amend a data structure?
difference between serch data structure and allocation data structure
in homogeneous data structure all the elements of same data types known as homogeneous data structure. example:- array
using data structure an element can insert at any position easily. with out traversing through the entire list.
The proplems of building on a flat structure are tooo flat!
types of data structure types of data structure
Apple has a flat organizational structure
How do you amend a data structure?
Flat Structure
There does not have to be a difference between a tall organization structure and a flat organization structure. These structures can be the same structure.
difference between serch data structure and allocation data structure
weakness of data structure diagrams
A database in which ALL the data is stored in a single table is known as a flat-file database. This type of database lacks the relational structure found in more traditional databases that use multiple tables to store and organize data. Flat-file databases are simple but may limit the ability to efficiently query and manage data.
tesco is a tall structure
functional structure