the wind tippy toed across the sky to dance with the clouds-personification;giving something nonhuman human qualities my feet were ice cubes that have just been frozen-metaphor;renaming something;comparing something not using like or as my arm was burning as if i had just dumped it into lava-simile;comparing something using like or as her arms were as long as Mt. everest-hyperbole;an extreme exaggeration
special character in c language are as follows~ ' ! @ # % ^ & * () _ - + = | \ {} [] : ; " <> , . ? /
A source language is the original language in an interpretation. For example, if I speak a phrase in English and it is translated into Spanish, the Source language is English. The target language is Spanish.
example of procedural programming are those programming language that have structure e.g basic,fortran,c++,c and pascal e.t.c
/* example#1 */ #if 0 example #2 using preprecessor #endif // example#3 -- but only in C++
Yes, millions
find me a sentence in figurtive language
It's a metaphor.
The song Firework if any of you are wondering...
what does figurtive languege mane
Simile: I am as busy as a bee. Metaphor: I am a distant cloud in the sky. Personification: The chair smiled at me.
"America has give the Negro a bad check, a check which has come back marked "insufficient funds" but we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt"
The correct spelling is "figurative language." It refers to language that uses figures of speech, like similes, metaphors, and personification, to create a deeper meaning or visualization for the reader or listener.
it means word variety (like using words that have different meanings instead of being bland using the same words over and over) also it could be used for imagery (which is using figurative language to make an image in your head as you read.)
Some examples of figurative language in "The Misfits" include metaphors such as "a dark cloud hanging over him" to describe a character's mood, similes like "as noisy as a flock of geese" to show how loud a group is, and personification like "the wind whispered through the trees" to give human qualities to nature.
"Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled peppers" is known as alliteration. Alliteration is the repetition of any consonant sounds at the beginning of words.The form of expression in the phrase is called a tongue twister.
official language is spanish