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Pretty much all programming languages are a cross between human language and computing languages. Ultimately, a computer only understands the binary machine language embedded in the hardware. Every programming language eventually converts code to machine language through interpretation, compilation, or a combination of the two. Human languages are simply too imprecise for giving instructions to a computer. The poetry and variability of human expression is quite challenging for computers to follow, so programming languages tend to be very limited subsets of human languages with small vocabularies (usually less that 100 key words) and very explicit syntax. Computer languages are categorized (among other ways) by where they fit on the scale between machine language and natural human speech. Some languages (like C) are extremely close to the computer, which leads to more efficient code but more difficult programming. Other languages (the 'higher level' languages like Python or Java) are closer to human communication, but a bit less concise, and produce generally less efficientt code. Ultimately, programming isn't about the languages at all, but about thinking an algorithms, which means understanding the basic logic and data structures which are common to all languages. Programmers often write programs in a scheme called 'pseudo-code', which uses the logic and data structures central to all languages, but doesn't worry about the exact syntax or vocabulary of any language. Pseudocode is an easy way to sort out the logic without having to worry about some of the details. For example, this is the pseudo-code for a program that asks the user's name and returns it in a greeting: new program create string variable username ask "What is your name?" store in username print "hi, !" You can then take this pseudo-code, and translate it to whatever programming language you want Here's C++: #include iostream using namespace std' main(){ String userName; cout << "What is your name?"; cin >> userName; cout << "Hi, " << userName << endl' }

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Q: What is a cross between human language and a programming language?
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What is the difference between programming and debugging?

Programming is the process of creating code. Debugging is the process of fixing problems in existing code.

What are the advantages of pseudocode?

Pseudo-code allows for an intermediate step between a human language description of an algorithm and a programming language description of the algorithm. It is often a good way for non-programmers to understand the programming process.

What are the simalarities of high and low level programming?

high level language; is a computer language that is near to human language. high level programming is a process of programming high level language.Example,c++,java,cobol are one of them. The reverse is true for the low level language.

What is Programming languege and why we use programming languege andexplain it?

A computer can do many different things, depending on the program provided to the computer. The program is a list of instructions.Rather than learn the "machine language", which is the underlying instructions the computer can execute, nowadays people usually program in a "programming language", which is closer to a human natural language, usually English. The instructions in this programming language are then converted into machine language, by programs specifically designed for that purpose (assemblers, compilers, and - in a way - interpreters). Writing in a programming language is much easier than learning the machine language.

What are the five high level programming language?

1.First Generation Programming LanguageFirst generation of programming language refers to machine language. Machine language is lower level language which uses object code (some times also known as machine code). Object code is the combination of binary digits. These languages directly talk to hardware.2.Second Generation Programming LanguageSecond generation of languages is also low level language which is known as assembly language. Assembly languages are the interface between Machine level languages and High level languages.3.Third Generation Programming LanguageThird Generation programming languages are High level Programming languages like JAVA & C.4.Fourth Generation Programming LanguageThis is the set of current generation programming languages. These languages are similar or closer to human languages.General characteristics of 4GL are:i.Closer to human languagesii.Portableiii.Database supportiveiv.simple and requires less effort than 3GLv.Non proceduralDifferent types of 4 GL are:a. Query Generatorb. Report generatorc. Form Generatord. Application Generatore. GUI Generatorf. Relational Database Manager5.Fifth Generation Programming LanguageLanguages used for writing programs for Artificial Intelligence, Neural Network, Plasma Computing etc. come under 5GL. This is the future of programming language.

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What are the differences between the human language and machine programming language?

Human language is natural and used for communication between people, while machine programming language is artificial and used to communicate instructions to computers. Human language is context-dependent and ambiguous, while programming languages are precise and unambiguous. Humans use language for various purposes, such as expressing thoughts and emotions, while programming languages are designed for specific tasks like controlling hardware and software.

How does programming language differ from a human language?

Programming languages are designed for communication between humans and computers to write instructions for executing tasks, while human languages are used for communication between people for expressing thoughts and emotions. Programming languages have specific rules and syntax that need to be followed accurately to create functioning code, whereas human languages have more flexibility and can convey complex ideas with nuances and emotions.

What is a programming language and with three example?

A programming language is a language in which a human can tell a machine to do something, three examples include: C, C++ and C#.

What is the difference between programming and debugging?

Programming is the process of creating code. Debugging is the process of fixing problems in existing code.

What are the advantages of pseudocode?

Pseudo-code allows for an intermediate step between a human language description of an algorithm and a programming language description of the algorithm. It is often a good way for non-programmers to understand the programming process.

What are the simalarities of high and low level programming?

high level language; is a computer language that is near to human language. high level programming is a process of programming high level language.Example,c++,java,cobol are one of them. The reverse is true for the low level language.

What do you mean by high level language?

A high-level language is a programming language that is readable and understandable by human beings who are not necessarily programmer-language-literate.

What are the advantages of second generation programming language?

Easier to learn: Second-generation programming languages are easier to learn than first-generation languages. They are closer to human language and are more intuitive

What is Programming languege and why we use programming languege andexplain it?

A computer can do many different things, depending on the program provided to the computer. The program is a list of instructions.Rather than learn the "machine language", which is the underlying instructions the computer can execute, nowadays people usually program in a "programming language", which is closer to a human natural language, usually English. The instructions in this programming language are then converted into machine language, by programs specifically designed for that purpose (assemblers, compilers, and - in a way - interpreters). Writing in a programming language is much easier than learning the machine language.

What are the differences between program and program language?

Programming [verb] is a process done by software engineers or computer programmers consisting of the following steps: customer requirements analysis, software design, coding the design using a programming language, testing and debugging the program parts, program integration, testing and debugging the complete program, and customer acceptance testing. Any bugs found during the two testing steps of the programming process will have to be fixed in the code written in the programming language and all necessary testing steps repeated.A programming language [noun] (you wrote program language) is a human readable language used by software engineers or computer programmers during the coding step of the programming process. The code written in the programming language is then converted by a translator program (e.g. compiler, assembler) to machine code that the target computer can "understand" and run.

Which language is c language?

If you mean what type of language is the C Programming language, it is a high-level, statically compiled, procedural programming language. It is often described as one of the most "low-level" of the high-level languages, in that is it very adaptable for programming "close" to the hardware, while still retaining the advantages of portability, flexibility, and human comprehesiblity common to high-level languages.

What language is pseudocode written?

Pseudo code is in itself a language on its own. Pseudo codes are used to describe algorithms in computer science. This language, unlike a programming language is used for human specific understanding and abstract representation of a certain procedural flow of a program. Pseudo code cannot be executed in a computer based environment. Pseudo code eliminated unnecessary programming structures and only focuses on the flow process of the algorithm. It includes programming language specific constructs and natural human language constructs to explain the functioning. This is unlike a computer programming language where strict rules and procedures are laid down, which have to be followed to execute the particular code.