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Capacitor voltage

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Q: What is a capacitor analyzer designed to read?
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Can you use a 25K capacitor instead of a 2.2K capacitor?

In general, no. You need to use the correct capacitor as designed for the circuit.

How do i size up a start capacitor?

Read the capacitor that you remove

Who can use a particle size analyzer?

A particle size analyzer should be used by anyone who have read the manuals before going on. The most safe particle size analyzer is laser diffraction particle size analyzer. Even though it works with laser, the power is in mW, no harm to eyes.

What would a helium analyzer read if calibrated with air?

It should read zero. There is essentially no helium in room air.

Can you change a 440 volt 12.5 uF start capacitor with a 370 volt 12.5uF run capacitor?

There are two ways to read this: you have a burned-out run capacitor on your motor and a good start capacitor in your parts box, and you have a burned-out start capacitor and a good run capacitor. If the run capacitor's bad and you want to put the higher-voltage start cap in its place, the answer is yes. This is called derating, and the only thing it does for you is increases the lifespan of the capacitor because you're not working it as hard as it can take. If the start capacitor's bad, don't do this--they used a 440-volt capacitor in there for a reason.

What happened if the capacitor is in line when there is no load?

When there is no load on a circuit with a capacitor in the line, no current will pass. The capacitor, if charged, will remain charged until a load is put on to the circuit at which time it will discharge its designed output voltage.

What are some of the primary differences between a web traffic analyzer and a web stats analyzer?

A web traffic analyzer determines where the viewer arrived from, using what computer/browser, where they were physically located, what they read or interacted with on the site, and how they exited. A web stats analyzer compiles the number of times each of the traffic occurrences took place, tabulates, and provides graphic information on the data.

What is the use of mylar capacitor?

myler film /myler capacitor is specially designed for low inductance and low resistance,so it has an prpoperty of fast discharging energy

Who was created the 'difference analyzer' in the early 1920s?

The 'difference analyzer' was created by Karl Lashley in the early 1920s. This device was designed to study the way sensory information is perceived and processed in the brain through controlled experiments on animals.

Why should a capacitor never be held by its leads?

A capacitor is designed to store energy over time and then release it nearly instantaneously. If you are holding it by its leads it could discharge and kill you.

What is the difference between Dry chemistry analyzer and Chemistry analyzer?

The difference between dry chemistry analyzer and the chemistry analyzer is the reagents used.

How is spectrum analyzer operated?

How is spectrum analyzer operated?