Bed news gcc driving licens not accept saudi ambassy in Bangladesh for visa prossesing
gcc --version
1. The Gcc compiler cna support multiple languages such as c,c++,Java,Fortran,Pascal etc.... Whereas in turbo c cpmpiler,it doesn't support multiple languages. 2. GCC compiler is a free software,... Whereas in turbo c cpmpiler , it is not a free software. 3. The GCC compiler is is a portable compiler,it runs on most plateform avilable today... Whereas in turbo c cpmpiler, it is not a portable compiler.
License is Authority you have taken by a government or an organization for a purpose like selling, driving, business etc. but patent is a rights of a product or service or an invention.
You don't "open" gcc, you "use" it.$ cat >helloworld.c/* helloworld.c */#include int main (void){puts ("Hello, world");return 0;}^D$ gcc -W -Wall -pedantic -o helloworld helloworld.c$ ./helloworldHello, world
For gcc there's a non-standard solution. Declare the function with __attribute__((constructor)) (note the double parentheses). Like this: void init(void) __attribute__ ((constructor)); void init(void) { // your code goes here } Starting with gcc 4.3 there's even a possibility to assign a priority to the "constructor". See for details.
Not all GCC country especially in UAE (for example),but holding a Qatari Driving License in a advantage because Qatar is a member of GCC,some of my friends..told need to take a quick test in your driving skill if you pass you can get your driving license in the day (UAE),but "if not"you need to take classes for some driving school and theory exam./road test etc.....
what is GCC driving licences
what is GCC driving licences
what is GCC driving licences
A driving licence from any of the GCC countries is accepted in any of the others, e.g. a UAE driving licence is accepted in Oman and vice versa, etc., so a driving licence from any of the GCC countries counts as a GCC licence.
yes it can be used Bahrain driving licence can be used in all GCC countries :)
The GCC license is a type of driver's license. This is a specialized license that is given in India so that the driver can legally drive in certain countries.
yes all gcc countries
If you live in the UAE on a Residential Visa / Work Permit, you need a valid UAE Driving License. To get a UAE Driving License, you need driving lessons and pass the driving test from an RTA-approved Driving Institute in UAE: Galadari | Belhasa | Emirates Driving Institute If you are visiting the UAE as a tourist and want a rental car to get around, you need to have a valid International Driving Permit (IDP) a.k.a. International Driving License, and your original Driving License, both from your home country. Passport holders of GCC, US, UK, Canada, and certain other countries can drive on their home country license in the UAE
If they have a driving license, then they can drive in Ireland.If they have a driving license, then they can drive in Ireland.If they have a driving license, then they can drive in Ireland.If they have a driving license, then they can drive in Ireland.If they have a driving license, then they can drive in Ireland.If they have a driving license, then they can drive in Ireland.If they have a driving license, then they can drive in Ireland.If they have a driving license, then they can drive in Ireland.If they have a driving license, then they can drive in Ireland.If they have a driving license, then they can drive in Ireland.If they have a driving license, then they can drive in Ireland.
Heavy Vehicle driving license
No, a Qatar driving license is not recognise in Singapore.