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<BR> tag stands for line break.

This is the first line <BR> This is the second line

In HTML the above code will get displayed as:

This is the first line

This is the second line

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12y ago

The HTML tag <br> (or <br/> in XHTML) is a tag that produces a line-break.

A line break causes the carriage that displays text to drop down to the next line and return to the 0 margin (which can be right, left, or center depending on the text justification.)

In practice, a <br> gives you the same effect that hitting "Enter" does in word processing programs.

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What is the full form of BR in HTML?

The correct HTML form for BR is . BR is a tag to force a line break. It was introduced as a single tag, with no companion tag. The and tags work with older HTML, but for HTML 5, you need to have an ending tag for each tag. You can create your own ending tag by adding forward slash within the single tag: .

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The BR tag has only the core tags, which all HTML tags have. These are id, class, style and title.

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In HTML, all tags are elements and all HTML elements other than empty elements and &lt;p&gt; elements require a start and end tag to delimit the element's content. The &lt;br&gt; tag is an example of an empty element (there is no &lt;/br&gt; tag). However, an empty element can also be closed by the start tag, such that &lt;br /&gt; is acceptable (&lt;br /&gt; is a requirement of XHTML but not HTML).

What is the tag for break or return?

&lt;br&gt; Yep, it's that simple for simple HTML ^^ If you are working with XHTML however, the tag will be &lt;br /&gt;

What is the correct HTML tag for inserting a line brake?


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What is a tag List 10 HTML tag?

There are various tags in HTML that can be used. 10 of them are: p, a, br, head, body, html, title, script, link, style.

What is the correct HTML element for inserting a line break?

Correct HTML tag for inserting a line break? you can use &lt;br/&gt;

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What HTML tag would you use to indicate a line break?

A tag is used to insert a line break. This tag is the HTML way of outputting a new line.