

Best Answer
  • 170/2 = 85 R 0. Therefore binary number so far is 0.
  • 85/2 = 42 R 1. Therefore binary number so far is 10.
  • 42/2 = 21 R 0. Therefore binary number so far is 010.
  • 21/2 = 10 R 1. Therefore binary number so far is 1010.
  • 10/2 = 5 R 0. Therefore binary number so far is 01010.
  • 5/2 = 2 R 1. Therefore binary number so far is 101010.
  • 2/2 = 1 R 0. Therefore binary number so far is 0101010.
  • 1/2 = 0 R 1. Therefore binary number so far is 10101010.
  • The integer portion of last division was 0 so for the decimal number 170, the binary equivalent is 10101010.
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14y ago
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7y ago

01001101 01110010 00100000 01001011 01100001 01110010 01101001 01101101 is a 64-bit binary value with the decimal integer value ‭5,580,558,396,394,989,933‬.

What this value actually means is unknown -- there is insufficient information. Is it a distance? A weight? A quantity? Is it even an integer? There no way to know outwith the context in which it is used.

Converting to hexadecimal (base 16), it has the value:


Converting to 64-bit IEEE-754 double-precision floating point, it has the (approximate) decimal value:


Treating the value as an array of 8-bit ASCII characters we get:

{'M', 'r', ' ', 'K', 'a', 'r', 'i', 'm'}

This last representation appears to form the name "Mr Karim". Could this be what is being represented? Quite possibly. However, the value is not a valid string because it lacks a null-terminator. If we were to actually allocate the string:

char x[] = "Mr Karim";

we'd find the length of array x is nine bytes, not eight, because the compiler implicitly inserts a null-terminator at the end of the string. One way to recreate the original binary value is as follows:

char y[8] = {'M', 'r', ' ', 'K', 'a', 'r', 'i', 'm'};

However, we cannot treat y as a string because it has no null-terminator:

printf ("%s\n", x); // ok!

printf ("%s\n", y); // error!

In practice we may find that y does in fact print correctly, but this would be sheer luck because that can only happen if the next byte just happens to be 00000000 (the binary representation of the null-terminator) and only if that byte happens to be accessible to our code. In programming, we never rely on luck!

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16y ago

This is binary and decodes as the following hex: 45 30 30 34 In decimal, this would be: 69 48 48 52 In ASCII, it represents the following characteristics: E004

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14y ago
K pasa tios, ya lo

I don't know this means what either.

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14y ago

It doesn't mean anything. It's not a real binary code.

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9y ago

This looks like a binary number. It would be 718 in base 10.

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4y ago

Attack on White House

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Lvl 1
4y ago

01010011 01101111 00101100 00100000 01101000 01101111 01110111 00100000 01101101 01110101 01100011 01101000 00100000 01110100 01101001 01101101 01100101 00100000 01100100 01101001 01100100 00100000 01001001 00100000 01110111 01100001 01110011 01110100 01100101 00111111

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Q: What does binary code 10101010 mean?
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What is the binary code 10101010?

In decimal it is 170. It is the ASCII code for the ¬ character.

What is the binary equivalent to 170?


What is the sum of 10101010 and 01111?

In any base other than 2 (ie other than binary): 10101010 + 01111 = 10102121 In base 2 (binary): 10101010 + 01111 = 10111001

What is the same thing as 10101010?

The binary number 10101010 is equivalent, in decimal representation, to 128 + 32 + 8 + 2 = 170. But this answer assumes that the given number is binary - an assumption for which there is no real justification. Besides, the relationship is an equivalence, which is not quite "the same thing".

What is the sum of binary formats 10101010 and 01111 is?

10101010 + 01111 = 10111001 (170+15 = 185)

Conversion of 10101010 binary number into decimal?


What is the decimal and hexadecimal equivalent of the binary number 10101010?

Decimal: 170Hex: AA

What is the equivalent of the binary number 10101010?

Each place represents a power of 2. 10101010 base 2 = 27 + 25 + 23 + 21 = 128 + 32 + 8 + 2 = 170

What is the binary code for B?

That depends what you mean by "B", and what you mean by "binary code" assuming that by "binary code", you actually mean a binary representation of it's ascii value, then the answer is 1000010. The ascii value of the character "B" is 66 in decimal, which is 1000010 is that value in binary. If on the other hand, you mean "what is the binary value of the hexidecimal number B?", then the answer is 1011.

What does 1111 in Binary code mean?

1111 in binary is 15 in decimal.

What does binary code mean?

170/2 = 85 R 0. Therefore binary number so far is 0.85/2 = 42 R 1. Therefore binary number so far is 10.42/2 = 21 R 0. Therefore binary number so far is 010.21/2 = 10 R 1. Therefore binary number so far is 1010.10/2 = 5 R 0. Therefore binary number so far is 01010.5/2 = 2 R 1. Therefore binary number so far is 101010.2/2 = 1 R 0. Therefore binary number so far is 0101010.1/2 = 0 R 1. Therefore binary number so far is 10101010.The integer portion of last division was 0 so for the decimal number 170, the binary equivalent is 10101010.

What does 010000100110010100100000011100110111010101110010011001 mean?

Error: Malformed binary. Your binary code is must be divisible by 8.This looks like it is the beginning of a binary code, but is not computable into any text as is. Do you have the rest of the code?