Face Of Flange A flange has either of the two types of faces: 1. Raised face 2. Flat face The F.O.F is used to know the accurate dimension of the flange in order to avoid the minute errors in measurement in case of vertical or horzontal pipe lines
Face of Flange
Material Take Off
See the related link for a list of open source piping software.
computer aided design
High Impact Polistireen
Designer mostly drafting, piping engineer mostly calculation
FOF is a Game called 'Frets on Fire'. But it could be something else. But Iknow it from Frets on Fire.
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your question is very general. Visit the following sites for tips about different piping topics.TIPS ABOUT COMPRESSED AIR PIPING-ECONOMIC PIPINGhttp://piping-info.blogspot.com/2011/11/compressed-air-piping-introduction.htmlPiping Tips: Piping Layout: The Engineering & Arthttp://piping-info.blogspot.com/2011/07/piping-layout-engineering-art.htmlPipe Support Tips: Pipe Support Design Guidelineshttp://piping-info.blogspot.com/2011/06/pipe-support-design-guidelines.html
Material Take Off
See the related link for a list of open source piping software.
Lattice work
Sun protection factor. It is a measure of how much longer you can stay in the sun, without burning, when compared to not wearing sunscreen.
Harold F. Rase has written: 'Piping design for process plants' -- subject(s): Chemical plants, Piping
Richard Beale has written: 'The planning guide to piping design' -- subject(s): Pipelines, Design and construction
The relationship between the fof angle and the angle of of2 is that they are supplementary angles. This means that the sum of the fof angle and the angle of of2 is equal to 180 degrees.