Embed video means to embed, or place, a video within the HTML code of the page you are posting on.
You can add video using HTML code - you will need more then basic HTML knowledge.
Embedding a video player plugin is much easier. You just need to embed simple code provided by plugin creator.
here is an example http://funny-video-YouTube.blogspot.com
Anyway, you can also try to Google the solution to your question.How
If you want to add video to website, you need to "embed" it with embed code. Embed code is web page code. When using embed code to add video to website, the internet address of the video is needed, which is called "URL". This URL tells the web browser via the embed code to find and play the video with its Internet address.
About how to add videos to website in the easiest way, check this tutorial - http://www.playerdiy.com/support/tutorial/customize-flash-video-player.html
Source is www.playerdiy.com - DIY Flash video player for website
You can easily dis-embed a video from HTML page. You just need to remove the embed tag from it.
Adding a YouTube link to your HTML website is easy. Go the the YouTube page that has the video you want to add. Copy the video ID on the page URL following "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=[Video ID]" and paste into the following code:
It means to place within a group.
You can't embed Pandanda.
EMBED puts a browser plugin in the page. If the user does not have the plugin needed they will not see what you are trying to display to them. A very simple form of this tag is shown below and the attributes that can be used with it..SRC="../graphics/sounds/Smasher.mid"> * ALIGN * AUTOSTART* CONTROLS * CONTROLLER * ENDTIME * HEIGHT * HIDDEN* HREF * LOOP * MASTERSOUND * NAME * PLAYCOUNT* PLUGINSPAGE * PLUGINURL* SRC * STARTTIME * TARGET * VOLUME* WIDTH ---- If you want to add video to website, you need to "embed" it with embed code. Embed code is web page code. When using embed code to add video to website, the Internet address of the video is needed, which is called "URL". This URL tells the web browser via the embed code to find and play the video with its Internet address. About how to add videos to website in the easiest way, check this tutorial - http://www.playerdiy.com/support/tutorial/customize-flash-video-player.html
Did you mean embed code? An embed code is HTML (web) code for embedding and image or video in a web page or blog. If you upload a video to youtube, you can get an embed code that links from your web page or blog to the video on youtube, so you can direct readers to the video.
That's to make it part of a web page.
You can easily dis-embed a video from HTML page. You just need to remove the embed tag from it.
If you have the video simply upload it to Vidiopia.com then view the video to grap the embed code and place it on your website. If your video podcast is already on a video sharing website then simply grab the embed code and past it onto your website's page.
<EMBED TYPE="application/x-mplayer2" SRC="VideoOrAudiofile.wmv" WIDTH="200" HEIGHT="200" autostart="1"> </EMBED>
In HTML4, you would use the embed tag ( <embed src="mymovie.ext">), while in HTML5, you would simply use the video tag ( <video><source src="mymovie.ext" /></video> ).
You can get a video ON a website by embed HTML from YouTube otherwise what are you asking?
The embed code is for people who want to put their video on their own websites. Unless you are interested in coding and making websites, I wouldn't worry about embed codes.
If you want to add video to website, you need to "embed" it with embed code. Embed code is web page code. When using embed code to add video to website, the Internet address of the video is needed, which is called "URL". This URL tells the web browser via the embed code to find and play the video with its Internet address. About how to add videos to website in the easiest way, check this tutorial - http://www.playerdiy.com/support/tutorial/customize-flash-video-player.htmlSource is www.playerdiy.com - DIY Flash video player for website
You can copy the 'Embed' code that is under the video :)
YOU,just right click on it and click on embed IF THAT DOESENT WORK THEN YOURE A NOOB !
Adding a YouTube link to your HTML website is easy. Go the the YouTube page that has the video you want to add. Copy the video ID on the page URL following "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=[Video ID]" and paste into the following code: