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Q: What do you call the device that can encase a piece of paper in plastic?
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What is a device that transfers the content on a piece of paper into memory?

A Scanner.

Is a documentation a peripheral device?

No. It is a piece of paper that explains how to use something.

What experiments can you do with a piece of paper and a plastic straw?

This is not a question this is a fragment. Ask something like 'Does a piece of paper help you to write' or 'Does a piece of paper rip or tear easliy?' When asking questions you have to be more specific.

What is a reusable information storage device made of a floppy piece of plastic inside a hard plastic protector?

floppy disk

What little piece's of plastic first introduced at diners club?

it is paper plates

What invention can you make with a paper napkin a paper cup piece of string plastic spoon paper plate and a wooden skewer?

Type your answer here... pairy the platupuse

How does a paper clip affect your environment?

A paper clip is a small piece of metal or plastic that is not biodegradable, so it will remain as is in the environment for a long time.

What would we observe if we put a plastic cap on a piece of paper over a burning flame?

we would the cup and the paper burn like when you put news paper on a bbq.

What experiment can you do toshow whether a plastic rod has changed or not?

You can rub the plastic rod with a piece of cloth and then try to attract small pieces of paper such as tissue paper or small paper bits. Repeat this process multiple times. If the plastic rod has gained or lost charge, its ability to attract the paper will change, indicating a change in the rod.

What is the difference between the state flag and the state seal?

A seal is a device that can emboss a pattern on a piece of paper. A flag is a piece of cloth that can be displayed on a flagpole. They are quite different.

What is the plural of a piece of paper?

The plural of a piece of paper is "pieces of paper."

How long would it take to count the atoms on a piece of paper?

Time taken would depend on the size of the paper and the sophistication of the measuring device ... mainly the rate of counting of which it's capable.