Weight is typically represented by a floating point type (a real number). However, depending on the precision required by the programmer, a weight can also be represented as an unsigned integral (a positive whole number). Note that floating point types are always signed.
integer data type
A character data type.
There is no such data type. However, when we use user-defined data types of our own type, then that type of data can be stored in a variable. So as a term, you may say that user-defined data type can store any data. As the data-type used in any variable will be depending upon us.
Data Type defines the type of data that will be stored. Example : int, byte, short etc
Data-type (short for integer).
The weight of the motorcycles is discrete and not the continuous data.
integer data type
Data is information. Data type defines the type of data - integer, character etc
A character data type.
There is a hyperlink data type. If you set a field as that data type, such as for a website, then you can type in a valid address into the field and it will be stored as a hyperlink.There is a hyperlink data type. If you set a field as that data type, such as for a website, then you can type in a valid address into the field and it will be stored as a hyperlink.There is a hyperlink data type. If you set a field as that data type, such as for a website, then you can type in a valid address into the field and it will be stored as a hyperlink.There is a hyperlink data type. If you set a field as that data type, such as for a website, then you can type in a valid address into the field and it will be stored as a hyperlink.There is a hyperlink data type. If you set a field as that data type, such as for a website, then you can type in a valid address into the field and it will be stored as a hyperlink.There is a hyperlink data type. If you set a field as that data type, such as for a website, then you can type in a valid address into the field and it will be stored as a hyperlink.There is a hyperlink data type. If you set a field as that data type, such as for a website, then you can type in a valid address into the field and it will be stored as a hyperlink.There is a hyperlink data type. If you set a field as that data type, such as for a website, then you can type in a valid address into the field and it will be stored as a hyperlink.There is a hyperlink data type. If you set a field as that data type, such as for a website, then you can type in a valid address into the field and it will be stored as a hyperlink.There is a hyperlink data type. If you set a field as that data type, such as for a website, then you can type in a valid address into the field and it will be stored as a hyperlink.There is a hyperlink data type. If you set a field as that data type, such as for a website, then you can type in a valid address into the field and it will be stored as a hyperlink.
There is no such data type. However, when we use user-defined data types of our own type, then that type of data can be stored in a variable. So as a term, you may say that user-defined data type can store any data. As the data-type used in any variable will be depending upon us.
what is boolean data type
Data Type : - It is used to identify the type of data. 'C' Language has a large no of data type, Thus it is also known by rich data type language: Data type are generally classified in three group: 1: Fundamental data type 2 Derived Data Type : 3 Use defined data type; 1 Fundamental data type: Fundamental data type includes i) The int data type: The data type int can store integer value only for eg. 14, 45, 78 declaration: int a,b; here we can store any value in variable a & b. ii) Char Data Type : The data type char can store character value only which is enclosed with single quote for e.g. 'c' declaration : char x = 'c' iii) Float Data Type:
Data Type indicates the type of data that can be stored in a field.
The data type for 0.38 is double.
data type
No proper data can be used to determine a falsehood, and since mass and weight are NOT the same thing there can be no such data.