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Q: What cells hold genetic information?
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Do neurons hold the same genetic information as somatic cells?

No, there is not any information that neurons hold the same genetic information as somatic cells. Somatic cells are the biological form of an animal, neurons are the forms of elements not organisms.

Do a human cell and an amoeba both hold genetic information?

Yes, both human cells and amoebas hold genetic information in the form of DNA. This genetic information contains the instructions for the cell's growth, development, and functioning.

What organelle inside of the nucleus contains the cells genetic information?

the nucleus contains a cells genetic information

The genetic information of a living organism is located in the organism's .?


What jobs do egg and sperm cells do?

They are gametes that come together to form a zygote. They hold genetic information from each parent.

Which organelle in a plant or animal cell contains genetic information?

The nucleus in both plant and animal cells contains genetic information in the form of DNA.

What cell organelle is the warehouse for the cells genetic information?

The Nucleus for the cell's genetic information.

What stores genetic information in cells?

DNA is the molecule that holds the genetic information in all cellular forms of life and some viruses. Occasionally, RNA also stores genetic information in cells.

Do all cells have nucleus which contains all its genetic information?

yes it contains all its genetic information

What is a structure within a cell that contains a cells genetic information?

The nucleus holds the genetic information of a cell.

Contrast blood cells and nerve cells?

same genetic information

In the cells of most organisms genetic information is contained in the what?

In the cells of most organisms, genetic information is contained in the nucleus within DNA molecules. DNA carries the instructions for building and maintaining an organism, including determining traits and regulating cellular processes.