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Q: What area of study applies scientific findings to create ways for solvin g problems or improving life?
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What area of study applies scientific findings to create ways for solving problems or improving life?


What area of study applies scientific findings to create ways of solving problems or improving life?


What is the branch of science that applies the principles of science to solve enineering problems?


What is a st Bernard's scientific name?

The answer is Canis Familiaris. This applies to every breed of domestic dog.

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When we're young, we all have problems. So you can assume the same applies to Diana Ross ;)

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The scientific name for a hurricane is a tropical cyclone.

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A theory is just an idea of how things work a law is a theory already proven that applies anywhere just depending of the variables used in the law

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How old is he/she, do they have medical problems, why are they in the shelter (if this applies), and how much do they cost.

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Tropical cyclone, though the term also applies to weaker categories: tropical depressions and tropical storms.

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Being around loud music can cause hearing problems, especially if you are a musician that plays regularly. This applies to any instruments, not just trumpets.

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Scientific notation is scientific notation - whether it is used for metric units, Imperial units or simply for numbers.