Control statements are the statements that control the flow of program execution. For eg: loops: For, While, Do-While, decision making using if-then-else or switch-case and there's goto to transfer control.
In the C language, the continue statement can only be used within a loop (for, while, or do). Upon execution, control transfers to the beginning of the loop.
The compiler demands it: your programs wouldn't compile without them.
anything ending in semicolon/;
semicolon ';' (Not applicable for block-statements)
The C language itself doesn't know anything about F5 key. Or Control.
differance between control statement and looping statement?
In the C language, the continue statement can only be used within a loop (for, while, or do). Upon execution, control transfers to the beginning of the loop.
Any experssion including assignment or a function call can be a statement in C
The basic control structure in C++ is the if statement.
The compiler demands it: your programs wouldn't compile without them.
anything ending in semicolon/;
One of the statements, obviously.
Statements. Typical usage: if (<condition>) <statement>; else <statement>;
In C continue stements are used inside the loops like for .while,do while .its a statement used in c language wher it tell the compiler to skip the following statement(statement or part of progm following continue)&continue with next shud me noted that its diff from break statement wher the control of prog goes out of the particular case of for ,while ,or do loops when we use continue the rest of the loop will not me excecuted and it will go back to check the condition of the loop.
semicolon ';' (Not applicable for block-statements)
The break statement exits control of the innermost for, while or do-while loop, or switch statement.
The C language itself doesn't know anything about F5 key. Or Control.