A:Money and technology.
One example of a system and sub system in system analysis and design is an organization (system) with interrelated department (sub system). Another example would be a computer (system) and all of its components (subsystem).
Um. What do you mean by technology? There are the actual components such as the physical computer. That is somewhat recyclable, so a little bit yes. If you mean the energy used for technology, that is definitely renewable. So in short, it is somewhat renewable,
There are many. One example would be an item used in an electric circuit, like a bulb.
In short Technology foms are two in number Hadware which is the physical components based on electronics and Software part which an instructions that manages the Hadware resources. Prof.Ahmed Gadhoodhle Hargeisa...
There are several sub components of technology and livelihood education. These include drafting, sewing, cooking, growing plants, as well as carpentry.
Components of the universe include dark energy, dark matter, luminous matter, and other compounds that are non-luminous. Sub-components include photons, atoms, neutrinos, and dark matter.
There are so many different sub-branches of technology. The main ones include nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology and medical technology among many others.
The tero technology is called the terotechnology. The components of tero technology include maintenance, replacement and removal of plant machinery and equipment.
Components of the universe include dark energy, dark matter, luminous matter, and other compounds that are non-luminous. Sub-components include photons, atoms, neutrinos, and dark matter.
There are five components of information technology systems. These are the hardware, software, data, procedures, as well as the people.
wireless communications
body composition cardiovascular fitnes
"Core technology" is a generic term used to describe the key technology components used in a product. These key components are vital for the product to work, and in many cases are patent-protected.
stop jsfjgk
list and explain the components of information system Components of Information Technology:- 1) Hardware 2) Software 3) Procedure 4) Data 5) People
A:Money and technology.