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Q: What are the statements that appear between the while and the end while clauses called?
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Related questions

Clauses that stand alone and are complete sentences are called .?

These are called independent clauses.

Clauses that stand alone and are complete sentences are called?

These are called independent clauses.

Clauses that cannot stand alone and are not complete thoughts are called?

dependent clauses

Clauses that cannot stand alone and are not complete thoughts are called .?

dependent clauses

What are clauses that cannot stand alone and aren't complete thoughts are called?

Dependent clauses, also known as subordinate clauses, are clauses that cannot stand alone as complete sentences and require additional information to make sense within a sentence. These clauses typically begin with subordinating conjunctions such as "because," "although," or "if."

What is a word that joins clauses?

A conjunction is a word that joins clauses in a sentence. Examples include "and," "but," "or," and "while."

What is the statements written by the programmer are called?

They are called statements. They have no other special name. A group of statements are called "Block statements".

What are multiple conditions in a query called?


What is the entire group of accounts maintained by a company called?

General ledger-a collection of all the accounts used by a business that could appear on the financial statements

What are Statements of fact about the past and present are called?

Statements of fact about the past and present are called assertions.

Does a complex sentence contain two independent clauses?

No, a complex sentence contains one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses. A sentence containing two independent clauses is called a compound sentence.

This part of speech consists of words that link words phrases or clauses?

The part of speech that consists of words that link words, phrases, or clauses is called a conjunction. Conjunctions are used to connect words or group of words in a sentence to establish a relationship between them. Examples include "and," "but," "or," and "because."