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Here is a simple HTML website:


<title>My first website<title>


<body bgcolor=0033FF>

<font color=00CCFF>

<h1>My website</h1>




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13y ago
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13y ago

The basic requirements to use HTML are:

1. A Web browser like Mozilla or internet Explorer that you can use to view your HTML pages

2. A text editor like notepad, textpad or edit plus etc to create your HTML documents

3. Basic understanding of the HTML tags

If you have the above 3 things, you can go ahead and create your own web pages.

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What are the elements of an HTML document?

The elements of an HTML document are:HEADTITLEBODY

Differentiate HTML tag from an HTML documents?

HTML tags are used to delimit HTML elements inside an HTML document.

What are the basic elements of HTML document?

HTML head title /title meta style /style /head body /body /HTML

What is the head tag in HTML document?

The &lt;head&gt; at the beginning of an HTML document comes between &lt;html&gt; and &lt;body&gt;. It is a container that includes information that relates to the entire document. You can include the following tags in the &lt;head&gt; tag: &lt;title&gt; (required in an HTML document), &lt;style&gt;, &lt;base&gt;, &lt;link&gt;, &lt;meta&gt;, &lt;script&gt;, and &lt;noscript&gt;.

Which elements are mandatory in an XHTML document?

doctype, html,head, body, and title

Why the elements are necessary for simple HTML?

The absolute essential tags are &lt;html&gt;&lt;body&gt;Hello World&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;. Other tags are not required, but certainly add significant value to the format of the page and the ability for search engines to index your site.

Why is a documents style important in HTML?

A document's style is important in HTML very much. It makes it differ from other elements in the page.

How is DOM used in JavaScript?

DOM stands for document Object Model that is used to get, change, add or delete HTML elements.

Is required to start new paragraph HTML document?

In an HTML document, to start a new paragraph, the &lt;p&gt; tag is used. Here p stands for paragraph and will start a new para.

What HTML tag is used to mark the top of the page?

The first tag you use when developing an HTML document is the tag. The first tag you use for the main content of your page is the tag. is the tag that marks the top of an HTML page. The minimum required first like is , which starts the definition of the page content.

What are the last two tags of an HTML document?

The last two tags of an HTML document are the and tags. These tags mark the end of the body and the entire HTML document, respectively. Here's a breakdown of the structure: HTML Use code with caution. Learn more The tag indicates the end of the body content, which is where the visible elements of the web page are placed. It tells the browser that the structural elements of the page have been defined. The tag marks the end of the entire HTML document. It signals to the browser that it has reached the final element of the document and can start rendering the page. Together, these two tags enclose all the HTML content and provide a clear structure for the web page.

What HTML element is always found within a HEAD container?

The only HTML element that is required in the HEAD section of an HTML document (according to the W3C specifications for HTML 4, HTML 5 and XHTML) is the TITLE element.