The assembly language does not support object oriented program
so they change to c and c++ the c++ will support object oriented program
this are the demerits of assembly language.
assembly language is specific to a particular machine architecture. assembly languages are designed for specific make and model of a microprocessor. it mean that assembly language program written for one processor will not work on a different processor if it is architecturally different. that is why the assembly language program is not portable.
Its analogous to asking a question, what are the drawbacks of being ape?
Programming languages has evolved from machine codes, assembly etc to High level languages to make programming easier for humans. Writting assembly programs for smaller work can grow to many more pages and again, if it is to be debugged, its terrible.
So to avoid all these, high level language can be used, where compilers take care to handle assembly language drawbacks.
Programs written in a high level language might be slower than ones written in Assembly language; but it is not always so, it is very easy to write un-effective programs in Assembly.
It are machine code and Assembly.
A High level language is a language like C, Pascal, Fortran. To convert, the easiest way is to use a compiler. A compiler will take the instructions written in a high level language and convert them into machine code which is the specific instruction set for that type of computer. Assembly language is just a human readable form of a machine code which is how the designers of the computer instruction set made it work. A disassembler will show the assembly language from machine code. But the compiler usually includes a lot of optimisations from a the high level language and will not often generate very simple assembly.
An assembly program is a machine-dependent program written in a low-level symbolic code known as assembly language.
Assembly language was created in the 50's so that way programmers didn't have to program directly in machine code, which required looking up numerous instruction codes in a huge manual. Nowadays, most people don't program in assembly language, or any other low-level language for that matter. We use a high-level language, such as C++ or Java. However, people will program in assembly if optimization is required that a high-level language doesn't support.
Because it cannot be understood by users. High level language like C can be understood by the user by looking at its source code. But assembly level language does not have any source code, its a language converted from high level language to low level language (assembly level language or machine level language) so that the language which the user could read/understand can also be read/understand by the machine.
An assembler.
Programs written in a high level language might be slower than ones written in Assembly language; but it is not always so, it is very easy to write un-effective programs in Assembly.
Assembly languages are low level languages, sometimes also called machine-level languages.
Assembly language is low-level because it has the least amount of abstraction between the source and the resultant machine code. That is, the translation from assembly language to machine code is 1:1. All high-level languages have much higher degrees of abstraction.
Machine code & Assembly language.
ASM or Assembly Language is the lowest level of software programming. It uses alphabetic codes to represent processor instructions. ASM is processor specific. It compiles directly to "machine language".
HIGH LEVEL LANGUAGE The program weitten in English language which eassier to understand by user is called high level language. ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE The program written in symbolics form is called assembly language. In which the symbols are used like sub,mul,div, also called symbolic language. DIFFERENCE HIGH LEVEL LANGUAGE ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE 1) It is a source code. 1) It is a object code. 2) It is convertd in machine 2) It is convertd in machine language using compiler. language using assemblier.