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ali asghari:

It shouldn't be a problem, as long as:

1) The features are well-designed, e.g. having one sort function that takes a few options, rather than many sort functions that do slightly different things

2) The features are namespaced - e.g. mathematical functions are in a Maths module or object, that way user function and variable names are less likely to collide with language base features, and be broken by language version increments

3) The features are properly documented in an organised way - there's no point in offering a facility if the programmer doesn't know it's there or the specs give no clue on how it's supposed to be used

4) The features don't duplicate one another - e.g. different names for the same function, different possible syntaxes for the same meaning, etc. which makes code harder to read for programmers familiar with the "other" syntax

5) The features aren't out of scope for the language (e.g. there's no point in features for 3D graphics acceleration in a language designed for web servers), as this will increase memory requirements, and thin out performance efforts.

So, the disadvantages would be if one of these pitfalls is encountered, and the potential problems caused

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11y ago
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12y ago

Convention Programming needs more coding hence needs more time and space.

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Akilan R

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2y ago
its helpful

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14y ago

Disadvantage as opposed to what? Inputing a bunch of 1's and 0's by hand?

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6y ago

That would depend upon what you actually mean by conventional programming and, by extension, what you mean by unconventional programming.

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