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1.user defined packages

2.predefined packages

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Q: What are the different types of package in java?
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The import keyword in Java is used to tell the Java compiler where to find different classes and is the location of the Date class: Date is a member of the util package, which is a member of the java package.

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What are the feature's of the Java 'this' installation package?

The Java 'this' installation package allows one to create installation programs for their Java based applications. One can download the program from Java.

What are the different types in java programming language?

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The different types of operators in Java are:Assignment OperatorsRelational OperatorsArithmetic OperatorsLogical Operators

Is there any difference between java and j2SE?

Core Java and J2SE are the same thing, which is the set of classes to be found in the rt.jar package. The classes were just given different names at different stages of the continued revisions to the Java Runtime Environment.

What is a default package in Java?

A default package is a package with no name. You can create a Java class without putting package name on top of the code. This class is included in the "default package". Be careful not to be confused with java.lang, which is a package that contains Java's fundamental classes and get's imported by default.

Which package is inbuilt in java API?

The java.lang package is automatically imported for you.

What is the library in java which does not need to be imported?

The java.lang package in Java is automatically imported for you.

What is user define package?

A user defined package is a package outside of the standard Java libraries.