Mathematics can be used in coding (computer programming). I have done programming before and it is nothing like mathematics. Although coding languages can be used to solve mathematical equations, the makeup of it is not just math. It is based on math but is not completely reliant on it. For example, <DOCTYPE html>
That is HTML coding *what makes up websites*. The amount of math used depends on the coding language. In application programming, there is more math used like:
myFloat = 1.23
switchOn = True
myFloat * jumpForce = myHeight
That used more math in it. It depends on the language of coding. You're welcome. :D
Computer Programming is a process used by people (developers) to BUILD a computer program. A computer program is something like Microsoft Word or FireFox.
PROGRAMMING is a process of developing computer program.While FOTRAN means formula translation which translate math formula into code in high level programming language.
In computer programming, these two terms are interchangeable.
There are quite a few differences between a compact computer and other computers. Compact computers are easier to take with you.
A set of rules that provides a way of telling computer what operations to perform is called a programming lanuage. OR IT is the mean of communication between the user and computer.
Procedural programming is a computer programming technique in which the program is divided into modules like function or subroutine or procedure or subprograms, where as ... "Modular Programming" is the act of designing and writing programs as interactions among functions that each perform a single well-defined function, and which have minimal side-effect interaction between them. Put differently, the content of each function is cohesive, and there is low coupling between functions as happens in procedural programming.
Mathematics suggests infinite calculations, requiring smart algorithms. Programming limits possible calculations, producing probable outcomes.
I do not believe that this belongs in the "computer programming" category.
PROGRAMMING is a process of developing computer program.While FOTRAN means formula translation which translate math formula into code in high level programming language.
ur dad
Um, one of its variables is both the same? :-)
differences between 5th generation computer age and human brain
laptop have fast speed this is wrong answer plz give me the answer og this qyesion plzz
Generally, a computer science program that emphasizes mathematics will be more theoretically rigorous. A computer science program that does not emphasize mathematics will be more pragmatically rigorous. Which is better is the subject of much debate.
.NET is a framework, PHP is a scripting (programming) language.
Records are distinguished from arrays by the fact that their number of fields is typically fixed, each field has a name, and that each field may have a different type.
Computer science is broadly concerned with the application of both mathematics and logic to the task of designing and controlling computers. Certain branches of mathematics are of special value in computer science such as boolean algebra and discrete mathematics. One place where math is applied is in the microprocessor unit of a computer which executes a stream of simple operations including arithmetic operations.
Problem -> Programming Programming can be a solution to a problem. If you have a problem and it can be solved by a computer program, so you can create such a program - so you can solve this problem by programming.