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Applications of Voltage shunt feedback amplifier?

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Q: What are the application of voltage shunt amplifier?
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Difference between amplifier and feedback amplifier?

An ordinary amplifier can have high gain but is unstable, drifts, can oscillate, etc. An amplifier with negative feedback has lower gain but is stable, does not drift, won't oscillate, etc.

What are application of ic 741 opamp?

A 741 Op-amp has three distinct parts and applications. They are a differential amplifier, a voltage amplifier, and an output amplifier.

Input impedance of current shunt feedback amplifier?

The input impedance of a current shunt feedback amplifier is the open loop impedance of the amplifier divided by 1+(A*beta)

How do I measure AC current using microcontroller.?

1. PIC16F877A 2. CT 3.difference amplifier DIFFERENCE AMPLIFIER: To measure this current with pic microcontroller,we have to use ADC module of PIC microcontroller.To use ADC module we will convert current into voltage form by using a .1 ohm shunt resistor across CT and we will measure this voltage drop across shunt resistor.Then this voltage drop can be easily converted into current again.For example voltage drop across .1 ohm shunt resistor =8v then current according to ohm law V=IR I=V/R I=8/.1=8A but the problem is ADC of pic microcontroller can never measure voltage greater than 5 volt. so to solve this problem we can use differenceamplifier. By adjusting gain of difference amplifier we can reduce voltage lower than 5 volts.

May power amplifier a voltage amplifier?

A power amplifier may also boost voltage; in audio equipment, power amplifiers often have a dial on the front that is used to control the input voltage gain. A simple power amplifier is composed of a single transistor; this type of configuration cannot provide voltage amplification as well. A voltage amplifier stage is needed. So the above example of an audio power amplifier is actually a voltage amplifier stage, followed by one or more power amplifier stages.

Related questions

What is voltage shunt amplifier?

In Voltage Shunt Amplifier, the Output voltage is supplied in parallel with the Input voltage through the feedback network.

The main application of tuned voltage amplifier?

As a frequency receiver

What is the theory of voltage series feedback amplifier?

In a Voltage Shunt feedback Amplifier, the feedback signal voltage is given to base of transistor in shunt through a feedback resistor.This Shunt connection decreases the input input impedance and voltage feedback decreases the output impedance. In this amplifier input is current and output is voltage. Thus Transresistance is stabilized.Input and Output impedances are reduced by a factor of 'D'(desensitivity factor). Advantages: 1)Gain independent of device parameters. 2)Bandwidth increases. 3)Noise and non-Linear distortion decrease. 4)Prevents Loading effect. 5)Acts as good source for the next stage.

Application of a common - collector amplifier circuit?

Common collector amplifier can be used as a voltage buffer and in impedance matching

Difference between amplifier and feedback amplifier?

An ordinary amplifier can have high gain but is unstable, drifts, can oscillate, etc. An amplifier with negative feedback has lower gain but is stable, does not drift, won't oscillate, etc.

What are application of ic 741 opamp?

A 741 Op-amp has three distinct parts and applications. They are a differential amplifier, a voltage amplifier, and an output amplifier.

Input impedance of current shunt feedback amplifier?

The input impedance of a current shunt feedback amplifier is the open loop impedance of the amplifier divided by 1+(A*beta)

What is current feedback shunt?

The effect of current shunt feedback in an amplifier is to The effect of current shunt feedback in an amplifier is to

Were do you buy a voltage amplifier?

In audio look at an amplifier. It will be always a voltage amplifier.

How do I measure AC current using microcontroller.?

1. PIC16F877A 2. CT 3.difference amplifier DIFFERENCE AMPLIFIER: To measure this current with pic microcontroller,we have to use ADC module of PIC microcontroller.To use ADC module we will convert current into voltage form by using a .1 ohm shunt resistor across CT and we will measure this voltage drop across shunt resistor.Then this voltage drop can be easily converted into current again.For example voltage drop across .1 ohm shunt resistor =8v then current according to ohm law V=IR I=V/R I=8/.1=8A but the problem is ADC of pic microcontroller can never measure voltage greater than 5 volt. so to solve this problem we can use differenceamplifier. By adjusting gain of difference amplifier we can reduce voltage lower than 5 volts.

Zener diode application?

A zener diode are used in small circuits as shunt regulators to control voltage. It may also be used as voltage references and as surge protectors to limit transient spikes in voltage.

How does power amplifier differ from a conventional voltage amplifier?

A voltage amplifier does not have to supply significant current bur a power amplifier does.