

Best Answer

The Basic data types in Java are

  • byte
  • int (Integer)
  • long
  • double
  • float
  • char
  • short

The String type is an object.

  • String

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helps prevent bugs/glitches and aid organisation

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java is platform independent language. java is a robust. simple multithreaded distributed. secure.

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Q: What are the advantages of different java datatypes?
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What is the edge of java over other object oriented programming language?

I am not sure Java is the best language; different languages have different advantages and disadvantages. However, here are some of Java's advantages; some of these advantages are shared by other languages, too:Good OOP implementation.Works on multiple platforms, i.e., operating systems.Built-in support for Unicode, this means you can easily work with different languages, even those that don't use a Latin alphabet.Built-in multithreading.Memory management is automatic.The compiler does quite an effort to catch lots of errors during the compilation.I am not sure Java is the best language; different languages have different advantages and disadvantages. However, here are some of Java's advantages; some of these advantages are shared by other languages, too:Good OOP implementation.Works on multiple platforms, i.e., operating systems.Built-in support for Unicode, this means you can easily work with different languages, even those that don't use a Latin alphabet.Built-in multithreading.Memory management is automatic.The compiler does quite an effort to catch lots of errors during the compilation.I am not sure Java is the best language; different languages have different advantages and disadvantages. However, here are some of Java's advantages; some of these advantages are shared by other languages, too:Good OOP implementation.Works on multiple platforms, i.e., operating systems.Built-in support for Unicode, this means you can easily work with different languages, even those that don't use a Latin alphabet.Built-in multithreading.Memory management is automatic.The compiler does quite an effort to catch lots of errors during the compilation.I am not sure Java is the best language; different languages have different advantages and disadvantages. However, here are some of Java's advantages; some of these advantages are shared by other languages, too:Good OOP implementation.Works on multiple platforms, i.e., operating systems.Built-in support for Unicode, this means you can easily work with different languages, even those that don't use a Latin alphabet.Built-in multithreading.Memory management is automatic.The compiler does quite an effort to catch lots of errors during the compilation.

Do the primitive datatypes in java have objects?

No Primitive data types do not have objects. As of Java 1.5, all primitive types in Java have "wrapper" classes. These classes serve two purposes: # They keep all type-specific methods together in one place. # They allow primitive types to be used in situations which take advantage of generics (also introduced in Java 1.5).

Datatypes what r types of datatypes?

short int int long int double float char these are all datatypes

Does Visual Java plus plus and Java Builder is different from the Java language?

Yes!Visual Java plus plus and Java Builder is different from the Java language?

What is composite data type in c?

Composite datatypes are the datatypes which can be constructed with in a program by using prmitive datatypes and other composite types.the act of constructing a composite data type is called composition..............

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Data type in data base?

In different languages we have different datatypes . Like in c++ we have int for integers , string for strings . In database we have datatypes, number for storing integer and varchar2 for storing string or characters.Like in languages like c we have datatypes such as char for characters , int for integers etc . In database we have datatype to denote the type of the field example numbers for storing integer, Varchar for characters.

What is the edge of java over other object oriented programming language?

I am not sure Java is the best language; different languages have different advantages and disadvantages. However, here are some of Java's advantages; some of these advantages are shared by other languages, too:Good OOP implementation.Works on multiple platforms, i.e., operating systems.Built-in support for Unicode, this means you can easily work with different languages, even those that don't use a Latin alphabet.Built-in multithreading.Memory management is automatic.The compiler does quite an effort to catch lots of errors during the compilation.I am not sure Java is the best language; different languages have different advantages and disadvantages. However, here are some of Java's advantages; some of these advantages are shared by other languages, too:Good OOP implementation.Works on multiple platforms, i.e., operating systems.Built-in support for Unicode, this means you can easily work with different languages, even those that don't use a Latin alphabet.Built-in multithreading.Memory management is automatic.The compiler does quite an effort to catch lots of errors during the compilation.I am not sure Java is the best language; different languages have different advantages and disadvantages. However, here are some of Java's advantages; some of these advantages are shared by other languages, too:Good OOP implementation.Works on multiple platforms, i.e., operating systems.Built-in support for Unicode, this means you can easily work with different languages, even those that don't use a Latin alphabet.Built-in multithreading.Memory management is automatic.The compiler does quite an effort to catch lots of errors during the compilation.I am not sure Java is the best language; different languages have different advantages and disadvantages. However, here are some of Java's advantages; some of these advantages are shared by other languages, too:Good OOP implementation.Works on multiple platforms, i.e., operating systems.Built-in support for Unicode, this means you can easily work with different languages, even those that don't use a Latin alphabet.Built-in multithreading.Memory management is automatic.The compiler does quite an effort to catch lots of errors during the compilation.

Do the primitive datatypes in java have objects?

No Primitive data types do not have objects. As of Java 1.5, all primitive types in Java have "wrapper" classes. These classes serve two purposes: # They keep all type-specific methods together in one place. # They allow primitive types to be used in situations which take advantage of generics (also introduced in Java 1.5).

Datatypes what r types of datatypes?

short int int long int double float char these are all datatypes

What are the advantages and disadvantages event handler to event properties?

what are the advantages and dis advantages of event handling in java

Is array is structure or not?

Array is not a struct. Array only has one datatype, struct has arbitrary different datatypes.

Does Visual Java plus plus and Java Builder is different from the Java language?

Yes!Visual Java plus plus and Java Builder is different from the Java language?

What is composite data type in c?

Composite datatypes are the datatypes which can be constructed with in a program by using prmitive datatypes and other composite types.the act of constructing a composite data type is called composition..............

What are different types of primitive datatypes used in c language and their range?

Perhaps the link in the related links box will help you.

How does structure differ from an array?

structure is a collection of dissimilar datatypes whereas array is collection of similar datatypes.....