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The primary advantage to alternative fuels such as biodiesel in automobiles is to lower harmful emissions into the atmosphere in the hopes of off-setting further damage to the ozone. Currently the biodiesel of choice, at least in the United States, is ethanol derived from corn. There are two affective faults with the current system and crop of choice, first is the amount of ethanol derived from corn is minimal compared to alternative crops such as water based algae. This has a subproblem rooted in that the amount of space necessary to grow the corn to produce sufficient amounts of ethanol is staggering. Secondly, the amount of machinery and vehicles using gasoline or standard diesel in the process of allocating the ethanol from the corn far offsets the benefits of using the ethanol to begin with.

Side note - the performance of vehicles on biodiesel is similar to that of standard diesel.

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12y ago

Alternative fuels can be better in that they are generally cleaner than oil and gasoline. Most alternative fuels are renewable, which means there can be a steady supply for a long time. Oil is not renewable.

Development of new alternative fuels also can fuel the economy and new jobs. Alternative fuels have the potential to replace the oil economy, it is just a question of if the fuel can be produced efficiently and be sold at a practical price for people.

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11y ago

Alternative fuels produce fewer vehicle emissions that contribute to smog, carbon monoxide, NOx etc. which leads to clean air, no pollution and no global warming

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