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Those materials left over after the economically extractable portion of the mineral being mined has been separated from the ore.

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Q: What are tailing materials IN MINING?
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How do you properly dispose of mining waste?

The mining waste is ,usually, called 'tailing'. We dispose of tailings in many ways like:-1. We build a pond and the tailing is pumped into it to allow sedimentation. This is beneficial as it forbids the fine particles to mingle with air causing air pollution.2. Nowadays, these are also dumped as landfills in required ares.3. If there is a hole or a trench that is to be filled, then also this tailing is used. In this case, it is mixed with cement and then is used as a filling material.4. Recently, a ditch is made beside a tree and the tailing is dumped into it, and then, the tailing is covered with earth. This method is known as Phytostabilisation.

What is mining water?

Acid mine drainage is the low pH created by microorganisms convering sulfides and sulfates in tailing from the ore processing into sulfuric acid.

What are benefits of mining?

You get the materials

What the purpose of mine?

The purpose of mining is to find and retrieve useful materials in the ground and bedrock.

What are tailing materials in mineral processing?

Tailings in materials in mineral processing are all the byproducts which are not directly used. As the minerals pass through the plant, tailings are ejected and processed elsewhere.

What is purpose of mining?

The purpose of mining is to find and retrieve useful materials in the ground and bedrock.

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A Pickaxe You Need Like 60 Mining

How does a tailing pond work?

A tailings pond is a pond that toxic waste and chemicals that are used during mining are stored. It is a huge pond with plastic surrounding it so that the toxicness can not escape

What materials are extracted from mining for building materials?

i dont know the answer, thats why i ask you

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explain in the trends in e-tailing in India

What type of economy is based on mining or producing raw materials to be used to foreign industries?

An industrial economy is based on mining or producing raw materials to be used in foreign industries.