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Comments are non-executable statements within JavaScript (or any other programming.) In JavaScript, comments are surrounded by /* and */ for multi-line comments, or started with // for single line comments.

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Q: What are non-executable statement in a program javascript?
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hi darling

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George Pickering has written: 'JavaScript how-to' -- subject(s): JavaScript (Computer program language)

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The semi-colon ( ; ) is used to indicate the end of a statement in JavaScirpt.

Where could a person go to get a tutorial on how to program with Javascript?

When starting to learn how to program with Javascript, a good basic guide can be found at YourHTMLSource. They teach the basic techniques in an easy to understand tutorial online.

What is a JavaScript statement?

A statement in a programming language is a standalone unit of code. In JavaScript, statements generally end with a semicolon or a closing bracket.Examples:// variable statementvar x = 5;// if statementif (x == 0) {...}The ECMAScript language specification lists all the different types of statements permitted in JavaScript. See related links.

Can you make softwares using javascript and if so how and by the way I do mean Javascript NOT java?

You can't make software, but you can make scripts that can be called from a program.

How do you update java script?

Javascript is not a program or function that you update. It is a programming language that is used on the web. Updating your browser may allow use of newer javascript features, but there is no way to technically update javascript.

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Marcus Johnson has written: 'Assembly language' -- subject(s): Assembler language (Computer program language) 'JavaScript manual of style' -- subject(s): JavaScript (Computer program language)

How do you encrypt javascript code for a website manually?

Look into obfustication. I saw a program to obfusticate JavaScript some time ago, however, I don't remember what it was called.

Which HTML tag is used to indicate to the web browser that the HTML page contains a javascript program?

Easy one. <script type="text/javascript"></script>.

What is the difference between Javascript and Jquery?

JavaScript is a scripting language that is mainly used within a web browser. Jquery is a library of javascript code that can be used together with your javascript program. A set of functions that can preform common tasks is provided, which will reduce the amount of code that you have to write yourself.