Abnormalities of the genetic materials are the only known cause of cancer. Errors in DNA replication and heritability of the genetic diseases are the cause of cancer during birth stage. Excessive ultraviolet radiation, any harmful infectious agents, tobacco smokes or chemicals are responsible for the abnormalities of genetic materials. Genes which promote cancer are called oncogenes. They are activated in cancer Cells. Tumor suppressive genes are not activated in the cancer Cells. For that reason programmed cell death and hyper active division and growth of Cells cannot be prevented. Inaccurate DNA replication, irregular Cell cycle, damaging the immune system are the major symptoms of cancer.
Lots of things, the most common of which is cancer.
you obtain genetic materials from your parents organisms.
Cancer- certain mutations (changes) in a cell's genetic material may cause that cell to reproduce with out control.
Use an enzyme laser to cut the genetic material.
nicotine in tobacco from cigarettes... can make cells mutate which is cancer
Genetic. If your mom had cancer you have a great risk of getting it too. You have, i dunno, genetic material.
Radiation can cause sunburn, cancer, genetic mutation.
Mutating Cells can be a source of Cancer, but not necessarily. All mutating cells do not cause Cancer.
Yes, some of the materials used can cause cancer when used in excess or for long periods.
Lots of things, the most common of which is cancer.
yea it can cause cancer around the surrounding of your skin
DNA mutations can cause genetic disorders such as cancer, Diabetes, and Asthma.
The byproducts of burning vegetable materials almost always contain some cancer-causing agents.
Sometimes cancer is genetic, but it increases a person's odds when they are exposed to cancer causing agents. Cigarettes contain many chemicals that are known to cause cancer.
Carcinogens produce mutations within DNA, inside cells. Usually this results in the death of the cell, but sometimes, if multiple mutations occur, the cell will start to reproduce uncontrollably, which results in cancer.
you obtain genetic materials from your parents organisms.
Cancer has many different causes, and the cause of any specific cancer may never be known. There are carcinogenic chemicals such as benzene or formaldehyde, there are carcinogenic viruses, there are genetic defects which predispose some people to getting cancer, there are irritants such as asbestos fibers which are also carcinogenic; radiation can cause cancer.