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Variation mainly comes with sexual reproduction at three points.

1. Infidelity in DNA replication introduces variant alleles (mutant alleles)

2. Homologous recombination (crossover) exchanges alleles so new combinations appear in every generation.

3. Transposition (short tandem repeats as STR microsatellites; retrotransposed SINE & LINE regions

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genetic effects is the effects on your genes when your body begins to change.

when you go through puberty, for example, your genes develop differently and alter permanentley. this is known as genetic effects stage 1.

stage 2, you develop a brain and stop asking questions on wiki awnsers

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Q: What are genetic factors?
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Is Attention Deficit Disorder a genetic disorder?

It appears to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

Is the character trait of integrity genetic or learned?

Mostly learned though as with all traits, nature and nurture are both factors in this attribute.

How do genetic and environmental factors work together to promote a child's temperament?

pretty much most of the genetic stuff could includ add and other genetic disabiliteis like that. But most of the things that cause tempermant issues are seeing how the parents behave and following example of kids and adults around them that they look up to.

What tends to increase genetic variation in a population?

Genetic variation is the total amount of genetic diversity present within a species or population. The amount of genetic variation in a population will depend on a variety of factors, including the size of the population, the type of reproduction, and environmental influences. The primary way to increase genetic variation in a population is through mutation. Mutations are random changes in the genetic code that can lead to new traits or characteristics. Mutations can be caused by environmental factors, such as exposure to radiation or chemicals, or they can occur spontaneously. Mutations can be beneficial, neutral, or detrimental to the organism, but they do lead to increased genetic variation. Another way to increase genetic variation in a population is through migration. When individuals from different populations mate, they bring with them different alleles from their home population, increasing the genetic diversity of the new population. This is especially important for populations that are geographically isolated, such as island populations. Another factor that can increase genetic variation is sexual selection. This is the process by which individuals select mates based on certain desired traits. This can lead to an increase in the number of different alleles in the population, as individuals with certain traits will be more likely to reproduce. Finally, gene flow is a process that can increase genetic variation in a population. Gene flow is when individuals from one population move to another population and mate with individuals in the new population. This can bring in alleles from the original population, increasing the genetic diversity of the new population. Overall, while mutation, migration, sexual selection, and gene flow are all important factors in increasing genetic variation in a population, it is important to note that genetic variation can also be decreased by inbreeding and genetic drift. Inbreeding is when individuals mate with close relatives, reducing the number of alleles in the population and leading to decreased genetic variation. Genetic drift is when random fluctuations in allele frequencies occur due to a small population size, leading to decreased genetic variation. Therefore, it is important to consider all of these factors when trying to increase genetic variation in a population.

Is DNA genetic code or genetic blueprint?

DNA is the genetic code

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How are genetic factors passed from one generation to another?

Genetic factors are passed through DNA (or genes).

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Genetic factors(DNA)

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Genetic factors.

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Genetic factors, exposure to sunlight.

Is emphysema genetic or inherited?

Emphysema can have genetic components, but it is not typically directly inherited like a Mendelian genetic disorder. Certain genetic factors can increase the likelihood of developing emphysema, particularly in combination with environmental factors like smoking.

What is the difference between environmental factors and genetic factors?

Environmental factors refer to external influences on an organism, such as diet or pollution, that can impact its traits or behavior. Genetic factors, on the other hand, are inherited traits passed down from parents that can affect an organism's characteristics. Both environmental and genetic factors play a role in shaping an organism's phenotype.

Is Attention Deficit Disorder a genetic disorder?

It appears to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

Do genetic or environment factors cause cancer?

Genetic. If your mom had cancer you have a great risk of getting it too. You have, i dunno, genetic material.

What usually increases the appearance of a genetic disorder?

The appearance of a genetic disorder is usually increased by factors such as consanguineous (related) parents, inherited mutations from both parents, or environmental factors that trigger the expression of genetic mutations.