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1. Transgenic E. coli is used to mass produce amino acids, vitamins and organics used as supplements for animals.

2. Plants such as corn and soy have the bt gene, which gives them pest resistance, lowering the need of pesticide use.

3. GFP (green fluorescent protein) is mass produced using various microbes after the gene coding for it is transcribed into them.

4. Transgenic turf-grass can synthesize protein which can help resist drought


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12y ago

There are many applications of genetic engineering in our everyday life. Progress in this field has impacted technology in several areas and has contributed towards many benefits of humankind. Unfortunately, like all science, there are both positive and negative uses.

Medicine - Genetic engineering is able to treat many illnesses and conditions with the human body which were previously much more harmful. Many medicines and treatments are available only because of this technology. Today, there are drugs and vaccines which have the ability to treat cancer, Alzheimer's disease, Heart disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, AIDS, and arthritis. Genetic engineering is present in such items like home pregnancy tests too. This industry has the potential to do things many other drugs can't. Other ways genetic engineering helps in healthcare used a bacterium to produce a medically useful chemical.

Agriculture - Much of the food we eat are in some way connected to genetic engineering. In fact, about 60 percent of our food has some sort of biotechnology in it. By taking traits from one organism and putting it into a food, the food can be altered in many ways, like having it last longer, taste better, and grow faster and larger. It can also be designed to be more immune to certain diseases. With less farmers and a greater need of food, genetic engineering can be the savior for this very important field.

Industry - The ability of bacteria to produce chemicals can be used in other areas as well such as in the cheese industry. Also, genetically related advances and business is booming. Click the link for more information.

Terrorism - Former Soviet Union used traits in many organisms to make biological weapons and viruses never before heard of. One scenario is that by using recombinant DNA methods, they might have taken the lethality of Ebola, combined it with the worst part of anthrax, and to top it off, made it extremely contagious by including parts of the smallpox virus. In fact, the USSR was so adept at making biological weapons that they were up to 20 years ahead of the United State's progress at the time.

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12y ago

Human resources such as agriculture, industry, and medicine

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12y ago

Study genes, improve food supply, study the effects of diseases on the human immune system, and produce more less fatty meat.

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Study genes an improve the food supply.

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