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Machine language is nothing but numeric codes. Because humans have a difficult time remembering numeric codes, manufacturers of microprocessors create mnemonics; these sets of mnemonics are called assembly language. Each processor family has its own set of mnemonics, or assembly language, so assembly for the Intel processor used in many PCs is different from the assembly for a Motorola processor. In fact the assembly for different processors made by the same manufacturer will have assembly that differs, sometimes by a little, sometimes significantly. A quick example of one type of Motorola assembly, to clear 10 32-bit memory locations might look like this:

movea #$6000,ao

move.l #10,d7


clr.l (a0+)

subq.l #1,d7

bne.s 10$


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8y ago

Machine code is an encoded sequence that is specific to a particular type of machine. In computing, machine code is encoded using binary notation. Every computer platform has its own set of instructions and architecture, and machine code must be specifically engineered separately for each platform. Code written specifically for an IBM mainframe will not operate upon an Apple Mac, for instance.

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10y ago

Some examples of programming languages include Java, C++, PHP, and Python. Each is designed for a specific task and has its own, unique features.

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10y ago

Some programming languages:

  • C, C++, C#
  • Lisp
  • Pascal, Turbo Pascal
  • Java
  • Cobol
  • Fortran
  • Prolog
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Basic & Pascal.

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Q: What are examples of machine level language?
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What are the examples of low level language?

It are machine code and Assembly.

Why there is a need for converting high level language into machine level language............ why cant we use high level language directly in computers?

Machine code is the native language of the machine. The machine does not "understand" any language other than its own native language. As such, all other languages, including low level assembly languages, must be compiled or interpreted in order to produce the required machine code.

One instruction in high level language corresponds to one instruction in machine language?

No. Generally, one instruction in a high level language corresponds to many instructions in machine language.

Examples of machine language?

Machine code is the ONLY example of machine language. However, every machine architecture has its own version of machine code; it is the native language of the machine. If you want to examine machine code upon your own machine, use a hex editor. This will show you every byte of the code in hexadecimal form.

Examples of programming language?

There are hudreds of Programming languages out there.Examples: C++, GWbasic, C#, C++, HTML , Ruby etc.They're further categorized as "Low Level language" and "High Level Language".Low level languages are those languages which are closer to the binary language or in another words machine language. These are difficult for us to learn but it's easy for machine to execute quickly.Example of a low level language is assembly language.High level languages are those languages which are close to human language/natural language and are easy for us to learn.Examples of high level language are Python, Ruby, C++ , Java etc.

Related questions

Examples of Low-Level Programming Language?

Machine code & Assembly language.

What are the examples of low level language?

It are machine code and Assembly.

What is the difference between high level language and machine language?

The difference between high level languages and machine languages are as follows: 1)Machine language uses binary numbers/codes but high level languages(HLL) use key words similar to English and are easier to write. 2)Machine Language is a Low level language and is machine dependant while HLLs are not.

High level to Machine level language is converted using?

high level language is converted to machine level language using a compiler or an interpreter

What is meant by Machine level language?

A language at the level of the machine it runs on. AKA Machine code, it's the underlying language that computer CPU's speak.

What are examples of high lavel language?

The term high-level refers to the amount of abstraction between the code you write and the native language of the machine. Low-level code is a symbolic code that maps 1:1 with the machine code, thus assembly is a low-level language. All other languages that employ a compiler or interpreter to create the machine code are considered high level languages. However, C and C++ are examples of high-level languages that also allow low-level programming, and are often called mid-level languages for that reason.

What is required to convert a high level language into machine language so as to execute it later?

we need compiler to convert high level language in to machine language

Why there is a need for converting high level language into machine level language............ why cant we use high level language directly in computers?

Machine code is the native language of the machine. The machine does not "understand" any language other than its own native language. As such, all other languages, including low level assembly languages, must be compiled or interpreted in order to produce the required machine code.

What is meant by machine language?

A language at the level of the machine it runs on. AKA Machine code, it's the underlying language that computer CPU's speak.

In which language we don't need transaction?

machine level language

One instruction in high level language corresponds to one instruction in machine language?

No. Generally, one instruction in a high level language corresponds to many instructions in machine language.

Examples of machine language?

Machine code is the ONLY example of machine language. However, every machine architecture has its own version of machine code; it is the native language of the machine. If you want to examine machine code upon your own machine, use a hex editor. This will show you every byte of the code in hexadecimal form.