A container element contains other elements or text. They contain structures within HTML, like the head, the body, a form, a table etc. While these can be regarded as container elements, sometimes just DIV and SPAN are called container elements, so there are different perspectives on this.
<DIV> is not a prefix, it is a tag. A DIV element is a container for other HTML elements and is used for positioning and structuring content in the document
An HTML element is everything from the start tag to the end tag.An HTML element starts with a start tag / opening tagAn HTML element ends with an end tag / closing tagThe element content is everything between the start and the end tagSome HTML elements have empty contentEmpty elements are closed in the start tagMost HTML elements can have attributesSample CodeHello World
In HTML, all tags are elements and all HTML elements other than empty elements and <p> elements require a start and end tag to delimit the element's content. The <br> tag is an example of an empty element (there is no </br> tag). However, an empty element can also be closed by the start tag, such that <br /> is acceptable (<br /> is a requirement of XHTML but not HTML).
Dynamic HTML is a combination of HTML tags and interactive web pages. Its basic elements include: an object-oriented view of web elements, cascading style sheets and dynamic fonts.
HTML communicates to the browser to define the page layout. It can tell the browser how and where to display text and other items on the page.
The HTML (Hyper Text Mark-up Language) head code is a container for all of the head elements of the page. This should include the title and can also include scripts.
The elements of an HTML document are:HEADTITLEBODY
HTML has included a number of elements into it. Head, Body, HTML are some of the elements defined inside it.
<DIV> is not a prefix, it is a tag. A DIV element is a container for other HTML elements and is used for positioning and structuring content in the document
Container Elements:HTML container elements require a starting as well as an ending tag.For eg: , , Empty Element: HTML empty elements require just a starting tag and not an ending tag.For eg: ,,
The outer-most container tags in a web document are the opening and closing HTML tags. For instance: <html> [Web stuff here </html>
1) - This element is a block level element that can be used as a container for grouping other HTML elements together.2) - This element is an inline element that can be used as a container for text.3) - This tag is a phrase tag. It is not deprecated, but it is possible to achieve richer effect with CSS.hope this helps :)
HTML tags are used to delimit HTML elements inside an HTML document.
HTML has predefined functions. The <form> elements binds all the elements within it.
The HTML (Hyper Text Mark-up Language) head code is a container for all of the head elements of the page. This should include the title and can also include scripts.
An HTML element is everything from the start tag to the end tag.An HTML element starts with a start tag / opening tagAn HTML element ends with an end tag / closing tagThe element content is everything between the start and the end tagSome HTML elements have empty contentEmpty elements are closed in the start tagMost HTML elements can have attributesSample CodeHello World