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C and C++ are two common languages used for writing programs and getting suitable desired outputs. They are both strongly typed and, like most other languages in widespread use, imperative.

C is a raw procedural language developed in 1969 to operate on UNIX systems; see the related link for an extensive history. It makes use of structures (simple groups of named values), functions, pre-processor macros, and pointers to memory addresses. It includes some built-in functions known as its standard library. The language, along with its libraries, was originally standardized in 1989 and again in 1999.

C++, begun in 1979 and standardized in 1998, is a step above C and intended to improve the language with object-oriented features such as classes, inheritance, polymorphism, etc. It is a super set of C, meaning that most C source is perfectly valid as C++. It is easier than C because of its extra features, but it is also much more complex and learning all its features is a major accomplishment. More Windows applications are written in C++ than C, but if either one provides a DLL file the other can talk to the first.

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10y ago

std::cin is the standard library console input stream while std::cout is the standard library console output stream. You use them to extract character data from the device associated with console input (e.g., the keyboard or a disk file) and to insert character data to the device associated with console output (e.g., the screen or a disk file), using the stream insertion operator (<<) and stream extraction operator (>>) respectively. The program's user can redirect both these streams from the command line. It is considered bad practice for the programmer to redirect these streams programmatically. Both stream objects can be found in the standard library <iostream> header.

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12y ago

cin (not "c in") and cout (not "c out") are the console input and console output streams (respectively). The input stream reads keys from the keyboard into the program, while the output steam displays text on the console. The streams are attached to the operating system's text console streams, which means they can be redirected to various locations, such as a file, a web server's buffer, or a network file.

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13y ago

Cin is a class that corresponds to the keyboard, and cout is a class that corresponds to the screen. They are also known as stdin and stdout.

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Can you declare a method within a method in c or c plus plus?

C: there are no methods in C. C++: no.

What is the different of c and c plus plus?

c is procedure oriented and c++ is object oriented &amp; much newer.

How A plus B plus C plus D plus 80 plus 90 equal to 100 what is the value of A B C and D?

If a + b + c + d + 80 + 90 = 100, then a + b + c + d = -70.

In computer language C plus plus is related to?

C++ is related to C, the language from which it is derived.

What is meant by println in c plus plus?

println is not a C++ keyword.