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The mouse uses infrared light to pick up signals of movement from the mouse and transfer them to movement on the screen. It is much more accurate and can be faster than the response on a standard ball mouse. If you pick up the mouse and it has a red light shining from the bottom it is an infrared mouse.

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Greater accuracy and less cleaning. Balled mice use two wheeled rollers set at 90 degrees to each other to determine the X/Y movements of the ball and a pinch wheel to keep the ball in contact with both rollers. However, the ball picks up dirt and dust which collects on the wheels which have to be cleaned periodically to ensure reliable usage. An infra-red mouse requires very little maintenance. Besides changing batteries occasionally, any other problem can usually be traced to a hair or other foreign matter being caught in the light aperture which is easily removed with tweezers.

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Q: What are advantages of using infrared mouse?
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Which type of port is used by an infrared mouse?

A USB port is the type of port that is used by an infrared mouse. This type of mouse does not require batteries and uses infrared light in order to operate.

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Advantages of using a mouse?

One advantage of using a mouse when working with a laptop is that it is much faster. It is also easier to use than the touch pad.

Can you replace a ball mouse with an infrared mouse?

Technically, yes. I doesn't matter whether it's a ball or an infrared mouse, I'm pretty sure they hook up to the computer the same way, and they both work rather similarly, but I really like infrared mouses better.

Advantages and disadvantages of infrared?

Advantages-Many things are controlled by infrared. sensors are invisible to the naked eye and are very reliable. Disadvantages- Most infrared sensors must be lined up or they will not work

What is good about a wireless mouse?

Some advantages of using a wireless mouse are that it won't get disconnectedness by accident, you can move it around more easily, and they are generally newer and more reactive. Enjoy your new mouse!

Mouse Repair?

form_title=Mouse Repair form_header=Whether your tech repair need is big or small, a professional repair service can help you fix it. Brand of mouse?*= _[50] Model of mouse?*= _[50] Is your mouse wireless?*= () Yes () No Do you have an infrared or ball mouse?*= () Infrared () Ball () Other What problem(s) are you experiencing with your mouse?*= _Please Explain[100]

What are the advantages of using a computer mouse?

As apposed to not using one...well unless you have a laptop you kinda need it to operate the computer.. Advantages of using a computer mouse - it allows you to make selections and move items on the computer's screen. - the two or three buttons make it easy to use. - it is small and convenient and fits in your hand

How do you measure a temperature of a mouse?

You can use a non contact infrared thermometer.