The HTML code for colors is a so called RGB (red, green blue) value. it is coded in a hexadecimal manner. The range gos from 00 to FF (0-255) for each color. The coding schema is #RRGGBB were RR stands for the red component GG for the green component and BB for the blue component. A value of #000000 is black, a value of #FFFFFF is white. a value of #FF0000 is red, a value of #00FF00 is green and a value of #0000FF is blue.
There is a improvement comming, conernihng RGBA values. The A stands for alpha amnd means transparency or translucency. This values are coded as #RRGGBBAA
In all cases, instead of two digits for one color you can use one digit per color, the second digit for each color will then be the same as the first. So for example, #FF44AA is the same as #F4A, and #333366 is the same as #336.
bg color is the abbreviation of background color there is a command used in HTML which set the background color which u want
To change the color, one simply adds a new color code between the and tags. Lists of color codes can be found online at sites like quackit.
You can't use HTML on Facebook.
No, database software does not store data using Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) codes. A common code used to access data is Structured Query Language (SQL). HTML is a formatting language that will tell a browser how to display the data retrieved from a database.
Link below
There are a number of websites that give information about HTML colors. These include HTML Color Codes, Wikipedia, Color Scheme Designer and Color Hex.
There are multiply html codes that can be used on Myspace, whether if it's trying to change one's layout or dividing texts. The main html codes that are used on Myspace is probably &heart; andtext.
HTML codes are nothing but HTML tags. These tags are used to define how a web page will look.
One can get a color code HTML chart online. A great site too visit is on the site they have every color needed and wanted. The site even teaches users how to use these certain codes to change the color of Html. Lastly the site includes the HTML color code theory.
There are 2 HTML tags that help you put color on your web pages. The first one is BGCOLOR and the other is COLOR. Using these tags along with a Hex color code you can create colorful web documents using HTML. There are too many hex color codes to list here so please "search the internet" using the search term "hex color codes" to find a site that will display them.BGCOLOR which defines the background color can be used with the BODY, TABLE and TR tags. The examples below show how they would be used.Yellow!COLOR which simple defines the color is used with the FONT tag.
HTML can be done or written in any text editor. IDE's are also used for executing the codes.
h1 is header1 it is used to give heading,there h1 to h6 in html
Some basic HTML codes are as followed
For the title; you can'tFor the wording on the need to look up HTML codes. Here's an example. Note: I'm not sure if this will show up.Blah,blah,blahThis should do the trick depending on whether I remembered the codes right.
MySpace codes can be used to change or enhance the look of a MySpace page. You can find HTML codes for MySpace pages online at websites such as Fillster.
Someone that codes in HTML