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*NOTE*: The answer to your above question is to use the DIM statement...which means DIMension; you use it to formally declare VBScript variables *before* using them; and, this is meant to set aside sufficient memory space to use the variable in.

EXAMPLE 1/VBScript code...

DIM intX

DIM intY

DIM intTotal






The way to make absolutely certain that each variable has already been declared *before* using to use the Option Explicit statement which is usually written at the start of the program...

EXAMPLE 2a/VBScript code...

Option Explicit

DIM intX

DIM intY

DIM intTotal






MsgBox(2) this case, the program stops when it reaches the variable called: intZ; complaining that this variable is 'undeclared'.

If you were to add DIM intZ...*before* using the variable name...then, the program should work ok; as in the following example.

EXAMPLE 2b/VBScript code

Option Explicit

DIM intX

DIM intY

DIM intZ

DIM intTotal








Finally, this last example shows that you can use the DIM statement to declare not only a 'single' variable, alone, on each line; but, you can also use it in a more compact form by declaring 'multiple' variables all being written on the one same line; with each of these variables being seperated by a comma.

EXAMPLE 3/VBScript code...

Option Explicit

DIM intX,intY,intZ,intTotal







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to declare a Variable you use 'Dim' then you name the Variable so for example 'Dim Var1'

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Q: What VB Script keyword is used to formally declare a variable used by the script before trying to use it?
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Which symbol is used with a variable to indicate to the script that you are reading the contents of that variable?

Which symbol is used with a variable to indicate to the script that you are reading the contents of that variable?

What is a javascript variable?

A variable in JavaScript is an identifier that provides a storage location used to store a data value. The data stored at a particular location in memory. That we accessed by using the variable name. In JavaScript programs, a script will have to store the bits of information temporarily. It needs to do its work. It can store this data in variables. In other words, A variable is a symbolic name given to a location in the computer memory. Where we store the value, which can be used in the program. The value of the variable can change during the execution of the program. It may take different values at different times during the execution of the program. The name of the variable that we choose must be meaningful to understand, what it represents in the program. For example var Price = 100; Rules to follow: The name of the variable can contain a letter, digits, underscore(_), and dollar sign($). They must begin with a letter, not with a digit. Uppercase and Lowercase are distinct. That means the variable Total is not the same as total or TOTAl. It should not be a keyword. White space does also not allow. Variable can be any length. Hope this helps. Thank you

How do you equate a php variable to a javascript variable?

Ideal thing would be to retrieve the value from PHP using AJAX and then assigning it to a java script variable. Thereafter compare it to the java script variable that is already present.

How do you control a new window you created with Java Script code?

You assign the window you opened to a variable. For example: var"http:\/\/");

How to convert a string into an integer in javascript?

In C# you can do that in the following way Convert.ToInt32(yourStringHere), for instance Convert.ToInt32("wikianswers"). But not all string can be converted to int type. If it happens compilator will throw the exception converting error which you can handle using structure try { ...//your code } catch (Exception) { ... //your code in the case of the exception }

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To define a variable in VBScript, you use the keyword "Dim" followed by the name of the variable. You can name the variable any string so long as itBegins with a letterDoes not contain a period (.)Is not longer than 255 charactersSo "tom" is a valid variable name, but "tom.d" is not.To assign value to the variable, you use the assignment operator (=)Dim coolWebSite = ""The variable "coolWebSite" will now contain the string ""

What is a javascript variable?

A variable in JavaScript is an identifier that provides a storage location used to store a data value. The data stored at a particular location in memory. That we accessed by using the variable name. In JavaScript programs, a script will have to store the bits of information temporarily. It needs to do its work. It can store this data in variables. In other words, A variable is a symbolic name given to a location in the computer memory. Where we store the value, which can be used in the program. The value of the variable can change during the execution of the program. It may take different values at different times during the execution of the program. The name of the variable that we choose must be meaningful to understand, what it represents in the program. For example var Price = 100; Rules to follow: The name of the variable can contain a letter, digits, underscore(_), and dollar sign($). They must begin with a letter, not with a digit. Uppercase and Lowercase are distinct. That means the variable Total is not the same as total or TOTAl. It should not be a keyword. White space does also not allow. Variable can be any length. Hope this helps. Thank you

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Ideal thing would be to retrieve the value from PHP using AJAX and then assigning it to a java script variable. Thereafter compare it to the java script variable that is already present.

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To demonstrate variable expansion occurring before pathname expansion in a script, you can create a variable with a wildcard character and then echo the variable within single quotes to prevent pathname expansion. Here's an example: #!/bin/bash files='*.txt' echo '$files' When you run this script, you'll see that the output includes *.txt as is, demonstrating that variable expansion happened before pathname expansion, as the wildcard character wasn't expanded.

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script_name(arguments); If you have arguments, like what the V variable should be, put them in there. Script_name should be replaced with the name of your script.

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There are many samples of this available online. Doing a keyword search can bring up examples for you to use.

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If you read your book, you will find the answer!

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If you read your book, you will find the answer!